Youth Formation


Youth Formation—9:15 a.m. with light breakfast options

Worship—10:30 a.m.

Youth Group at 6 p.m. Dinner is provided!

Current and Upcoming Events

Junior High Retreat: March 21-22

Fun things happen at a Jr. High retreat! Games, activities, music and worship will expand on the theme and there’ll be plenty of time to be with old and new friends. This year’s weekend retreat homes in on the question “Who do you say that I am?” based on Matthew 16:15-19.
When: Friday, March 21, 7 p.m.-Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m.
Where: Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 4947 NE Chouteau Drive, Kansas City, MO 64119
Who: Grades 6-9
Fee: $25. Scholarships are available

There’s a service component this year, too! Each youth needs to be a non-perishable item or new socks/underwear to support an community-based ministry.

Register & get more info at

Questions? Contact Clare.

Episcopal Summer Mega Camp: June 1-7, 2025

Mega Camp is a 1-week overnight summer camp experience for young people who have finished grades 3-12. There’s boating, horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, hiking, arts & crafts, plus Episcopal worship and formation. The camp community is like nothing else: campers will feel accepted and loved for who they are and be able to build their faith with others their age.
Camp is not restricted to Episcopalians or regular churchgoers. All are welcome, so feel free to invite friends and family.
Contact Clare for details about registration, cost and scholarship availability.

For more information about Youth Events, check out our LinkTree!

We also have a Youth and College Ministry Facebook Group! You can find us at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral Youth and College Ministry and request to join! This group is open to youth and parents. You can also find us on Instagram—@GHTCyouthandcollegeministry. Questions? Contact Clare.