Youth & College Formation

During the summer, there is no Formation or Youth Group. See below for special events for youth. Our regular schedule resumes September 8.

Youth Formation—9:15 a.m. with light breakfast options

Worship—10:30 a.m.

Youth Group at 6 p.m. Dinner is provided!

Current and Upcoming Events


July 19

Hosted at St. Margaret’s in Lawrence, this Happening is a great opportunity for those youth (9th–12th grade) who would be interested in being on Happening Staff in September. REGISTRATION

Jerusalem Farm Service Trip

July 28–August 3

A wonderful opportunity for High School Youth (9th–12th grade) to end the summer doing service in the KC area. This service trip will take place from July 28–August 3. REGISTRATION

Youth Sunday Photos

For more information about Youth Events, check out our LinkTree!

We also have a Youth and College Ministry Facebook Group! You can find us at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral Youth and College Ministry and request to join! This group is open to youth and parents. You can also find us on Instagram—@GHTCyouthandcollegeministry. Questions? Contact Clare.