Worship at GHTC

Welcome to our worship services!

  • You can view the online services below or on our YouTube channel.
  • Bulletins can be found on our Digital Liturgy page.

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  • Text PRAYER to submit prayer requests.

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Weekly Services at the Cathedral

We have in-person services Sundays at 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., and Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m.

Sunday 8 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

This early Sunday service is held in the Cathedral Nave. The liturgy is Rite II Eucharist found on page 355 of the Book of Common Prayer. Seasonal variations in the liturgy follow the church calendar. The service is a spoken one, with an organ prelude, offertory hymn and closing hymn. The 8 a.m. service has a calm and contemplative character, with worshipers participating through spoken responses and silent prayer.

Sunday 10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

This service is Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral’s largest gathering reflects the diversity of the Cathedral family. The Trinity Choir leads the sung portions of the service, which include hymns, a psalm and an offertory anthem. The liturgy is Rite II Eucharist found on page 355 of the Book of Common Prayer. Seasonal variations in the liturgy follow the church calendar. The 10:30 a.m. service is the most festive and celebratory of the Cathedral’s services, with worshipers participating through singing, spoken and sung responses, and prayer.

Sunday 5 p.m. – An Order for Evening and Holy Eucharist

This final service in the Cathedral’s Sunday schedule is a special and unique event. Combining the Rite II Eucharist found on page 355 of the Book of Common Prayer with An Order of Worship for the Evening found on page 109, the liturgical focus is on a meditative and contemplative setting where worshipers can bring to a close the week past and prepare for the week to come. The service is almost entirely sung and chanted, with congregational responses led by a cantor and organist team.

Sunday 5 p.m. – Choral Evensong (3rd Sunday of the month September-November, January-May)

Choral Evensong is a service offered by members of the Trinity Choir. This contemplative service lasts about 45 minutes and includes hymns, scripture readings, prayers, chanted Psalms, canticles and a choir anthem. With its origins in Archbishop Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer (1549), Evensong is one of the most uniquely Anglican liturgies and is sung in cathedrals and parishes throughout the world.

Sunday 5 p.m. – Deacon’s Mass (held periodically)

A Deacon’s Mass is a communion service led by a deacon. After the liturgy of the word, the deacon administers communion to a congregation from the reserved sacrament. The service became popular in the Episcopal Church in the 1950s and 1960s. Because the 1928 BCP did not provide for this service, many deacons made up their own liturgies. The 1979 BCP is the first Prayer Book to provide for such a service. An outline for the service is included in the Additional Directions for the Celebration of the Eucharist (BCP, p. 408).

Wednesdays 12:05 p.m. – Holy Eucharist

The liturgy is the Holy Eucharist Rite II service found on page 355 of the Book of Common Prayer. The service is a deeply contemplative experience that includes readings from scripture, a psalm and expressions of faith. This intimate gathering for prayer and worship is a wonderful time to pause during the work week. This service is held in the Cathedral’s Chapel (inside the Cathedral, to the right of the chancel/main altar).

Online Services

Wednesdays 12 p.m. – Noonday Prayer

Watch on YouTube or Facebook.

This service of noonday prayers includes an opening versicle, a selection from the psalms, a lesson, and prayers (BCP, 103-107). We follow the readings for Lesser Feasts and Fasts when available.

Sundays 10:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist

Watch on YouTube.

The Daily Office

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral participates in the Church’s daily offering of praise as individuals at home and as a community at 9 a.m. Morning Prayer, Monday-Thursday.

The real significance of the Divine Office is that in its recitation the individual or group enters the ancient cycle of prayer, by which day by day and hour by hour the church in the name of all creation adores and implores the eternal God. -Evelyn Underhill

We gather in-person in the chapel and livestream the service. Please speak with a member of the clergy if you would like guidance on saying the Office.