Welcome to Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral is the central parish in The Diocese of West Missouri. Guests and newcomers are always welcome. We are an inclusive and affirming community encompassing young and old, rich and poor, single and married/partnered, gay and straight. We are united by our witness of Christ’s redeeming love and the challenge of leading faithful lives in our complex world.

Our Mission

As the Episcopal Cathedral Church in the heart of Kansas City we seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbors as ourselves while striving for justice, peace and respect for every human being. Our worship, prayer and formation support the restorative strength of our community, reconciling all people to God and one another through Christ.

Weekly Schedule

Visit our Worship page for a listing of the services and our Upcoming Events page.

Our Legacy in Kansas City

Since 1870, Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and its forebears have been a fixture of downtown Kansas City where congregations have gathered for worship, fellowship, service and witness to Christ. Grace and Holy Trinity serves as the Cathedral Church (the Bishop’s seat) of The Diocese of West Missouri of the Episcopal Church and as a vibrant parish church whose members come from all over the greater Kansas City area. We are a house of prayer for all people and you are warmly invited to take part in the rich and varied life as the people of God in this place. Learn more about our history

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Request for Information

If you would like to know more about the Cathedral, contact us.

Two Cathedrals

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral is an active partner with the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

Read more about the long and fruitful relationship between the Cathedrals.