We hope you join us for the following events happening at the Cathedral.
For details about specific ministries, use the links below.

March: Food Drive for JFSKC Pantry in Brookside
We are collecting food for Jewish Family Services Pantry in Brookside. Suggested items to bring: Canned Meat, Canned Fruit or Vegetables, Macaroni & Cheese and Packaged Mashed Potatoes, Packaged Dessert Mixes.
The JFS Food Pantries in Kansas and Missouri distributes over 29,000 pounds of food to over 400 families each month. Your donation goes directly to the shelves in the pantry, helping people right in our community. You may leave items in the box in the Tower.
Praying the Lenten Gospels: Embodying Ourselves in the Wilderness
Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2
6:30-7:45 p.m. • Common Room
Dean Keyse will lead five Lenten mediations in which participants will listen to the corresponding Gospel for the upcoming Sunday, Year C, and begin to picture themselves within the story.
Each meditation will utilize images and music associated with that particular Gospel. With the image before us, we will hear the reading and immerse ourselves within the wilderness of Lent. Time for reflection and discussion will follow.
Registration is required. Use the coupon code GRACE to register for free.
The Daily Office: Morning Prayer
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral is now offering Morning Prayer at 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday in-person and livestreamed on Facebook.
If you would like more information about our Morning Prayer service or guidance on how to say the Office yourself, please speak with Fr. James.
Evensong: Sunday, March 16 • 5 p.m.
Choral Evensong is a service offered by members of the Trinity Choir. This contemplative service lasts about 45 minutes and includes hymns, scripture readings, prayers, chanted Psalms, canticles and a choir anthem. With its origins in Archbishop Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer (1549), Evensong is one of the most uniquely Anglican liturgies and is sung in cathedrals and parishes throughout the world.
Ramadan Iftar Dinner
Sunday, March 23 • 6:30 p.m. • Founders’ Hall
The Cathedral is partnering with the Dialogue Institute for a “Breaking of the Fast” (Iftar) in Ramadan on March 23, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.
The main dish and dessert will be provided by Turkish families within our community. Cathedral participants are asked to bring salads and side dishes (vegetarian only). There will be a presentation and information sharing on what Ramadan means to our Muslim friends and to us. Please RSVP.
Egg Hunt Candy Donations
Bring your donations of candy (individually wrapped, in small packages) to the basket in the Tower by April 6.
Palm Cross Making
Sunday, April 6 • 9 & 11:45 a.m. • Founders’ Hall
Enjoy a cup of coffee and make crosses out of palm leaves for distribution on Palm Sunday. Please bring your scissors. Someone will help if you’ve never made palm crosses before!
Easter Basket Packing
Palm Sunday, April 13 • 9 a.m.
Come help us pack Easter baskets for Crittenton Children’s Center, Camber Children’s Center and Sheffield Place.
Safe Church Training Seminar
Saturday, April 5 • 10 a.m. • GHTC Common Room
Safe Church, Safe Communities trainings are intended to aid in creating safe and welcoming communities for all people, and to communicate adopted policies of the church that protect all people, especially those most vulnerable or susceptible to power imbalances in our communities.
Safe Church training can be completed online or you can attend this in-person training at GHTC. These trainings are encouraged for everyone to participate and mandatory for all clergy, staff, and volunteer leaders of any church, institution, or ministry associated with The Diocese of West Missouri.
RSVP for the in-person training. If you would like to take the training online, contact Julie Toma.
Consecration of Bishop-elect Amy Dafler Meaux
Saturday, May 3 • 10 a.m.
Cathedral Nave & Founders’ Hall
God-willing, Bishop-elect Amy Dafler Meaux will be consecrated as the IX Bishop of The Diocese of West Missouri.
The Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe will be administering Communion in Founders’ Hall, the overflow seating area.
Following the service there will be a reception at the Cathedral.
Register by March 29 at the Diocesan website.