Upcoming Events

We hope you join us for the following events happening at the Cathedral.

For details about specific ministries, use the links below.

Paper Drive for Sheffield Place: February
Bring donations of toilet paper, paper towels and tissues to the basket in the Tower during the month of February. Sheffield Place assists homeless women and children in making the difficult journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency.

Adult Confirmation/Inquirers Class
Sundays beginning February 9 • 9:15 a.m. Multipurpose Room
Would you like to formally join the Cathedral and the Episcopal Church? Interested in exploring confirmation, reaffirmation or reception? If so, please prayerfully consider joining us Sunday, February 9 in the Multipurpose Room in Lower Founders’ Hall between morning services for an introductory meeting to explore what this might mean for you. Bishop Diane will be with us to Confirm/Reaffirm/Receive at the Easter Vigil on April 19. If you are interested but not able to join us for the first meeting, please let Dean Andy know and then plan to join us as soon as you are able.

Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, March 2 • after both morning services
Founders’ Hall
What is Shrove Sunday? Well, it involves pancakes, laughter, and fellowship!
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent. Lent is a season of simple living, and historically people did not each rich foods, like milk, butter, or eggs during Lent. The day before Lent, people would clean out their kitchens by indulging in these rich foods. They would make pancakes, which use all of these ingredients plus flour. Some say this tradition is over 1,000 years old and it still continues today!
We celebrate Shrove Tuesday on Sunday at the Cathedral so we can all be together for the pancake feast. Join us for delicious breakfast plus fun events.

Sign up here

Mardi Gras Dinner
Tuesday, March 4 • 6 p.m. • Haden Hall
Join us for a festive Mardi Gras dinner featuring jambalaya, good company, lively music, and the joyous spirit of Fat Tuesday as we prepare for Lent. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Jambalaya will be provided.
Please bring cornbread/bread, a salad or a dessert.

Sign up here

Graphic of a cross drawn with ashes

Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, March 5, 7 a.m., 12:05 & 7 p.m.
The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. On this day, you are invited to gather to begin the journey towards the Cross and the Resurrection with the Ash Wednesday service. The imposition of ashes and Holy Communion takes place at all three services.

  • The 7 a.m. service is spoken.
  • The 12:05 service will include hymns and organ music.
  • The 7 p.m. service will include the Trinity Choir.

Noonday Prayer will be broadcast at noon and the 7 p.m. service will be livestreamed.