July 26, 2009
(Eighth Sunday after Pentecost; Proper 12)

(From The Lectionary Page)

Our Mission: More Mission

Photo of The Very Rev. Dean Terry White by The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean

In the year 1721, the goldsmiths and silversmiths guild in London began applying official stamps on articles made of gold and silver which attested to the purity and origin of the items. These distinctive, identifying marks were officially registered in Goldsmith’s Hall, and according to Merriam-Webster is the origin of the term hallmark, which is a most beloved word in our city.

Having had a few days now to reflect on our Church’s 76th General Convention, I have pondered how best to talk about the convention’s work. Listing resolutions is too dry, and, as I believe 360+ pieces of legislation were passed, that is not the right approach.  After starting and stopping this homily a dozen times, Friday a staff colleague and I went to lunch, and as he drove to his favorite spot, we passed Crown Center and the Hallmark corporate offices. And then some bells went off.

Actually, they were the bells at Our Lady of Sorrows Church next door, but the inspiration was still there!  Hallmark. What might be considered hallmarks of General Convention?

Our Presiding Bishop opened the convention as celebrant and preacher at the Eucharist. In her homily, she told the story of the consecration of a new bishop in Seattle a few years ago, Edna (Nedi) Rivera.  Nedi’s father, Victor, was sometime Bishop of San Joaquin, and did not ordain women to the priesthood.  He did not attend her priesting. But at her episcopal consecration, after the laying on of hands, Nedi Rivera was vested by her father in his own cope.  After the liturgy Bishop Katharine asked Nedi, “What changed your father’s mind?”  She replied, “He did not change his mind; he changed his heart.”

Throughout the work of the General Convention, it became clear to me that our portion of the Body of Christ is experiencing a changing heart.  From informal conversations to very formal speeches, it was clear that things were different from the last several conventions. From the priorities adopted, to the programs endorsed, and running through the most difficult decisions that were made, I was struck by two great hallmarks: a focus on mission, and a focus on the presence of the Lord found in one another.

In that same opening homily, Bishop Katharine set forth in bold fashion that the heart of this Church must be mission.  Our heart must be healthy and strong if we are to pump life into our communities and the world. And the General Convention agreed. Through legislation, worship, and in numerous ways we reaffirmed the Five Marks of Mission, first articulated by the Anglican Consultative Council in 1984. Those five marks are:

The budget for the next three years – 2010 to 2012 – was reduced over $23 million. What was restored was funding to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals, along with outreach to the poorest areas of this country, from the Gulf Coast to where the church ministers among Native American Indians and First Nation peoples.  Mission will happen less through national church structures, and be carried out to a larger degree closer to home.

Mission – proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom, responding to human need in loving service, transforming unjust structures, safeguarding the integrity of creation and the sustainability of the earth, is to be at our heart. Mission was one hallmark.

The other hallmark was the theme of the convention. Ubuntu, a Swahili term, which can be loosely translated: I am because we are, helped reinforce the meaning of Baptism, that we are interconnected in powerful ways, and our lives with and to each other must be characterized by compassion and generosity, in spirit, in concrete acts of servanthood, and in love.  Every little league coach has said something similar to young players: “There is no ‘I’ in Team.”

Ubuntu was practiced in even the most importance discernment at convention as those for and against certain resolutions spoke passionately.  This convention sought to be honest, describing where we are as we discern who should be consecrated a bishop and how same gender unions and marriages might be blessed. By stating openly “here is the diversity of thought and practice within the Church” most felt respected, and thus, were encouraged to focus on in mission and serving the poor, the outcast, and victims of injustice.

Today’s Gospel reading features John putting his spin on two well-known episodes from our Lord’s ministry.  Jesus takes what is offered from the heart, blesses it, and tells his followers to share his abundance with a hungry multitude, giving life to a far greater number that normally could have been fed by the few loaves and fish.  John goes on to say that in the midst of darkness and turbulence, when sinking is the normal outcome, Jesus can be clearly known and gives comfort and hope to his people.  And John concludes, the boat – an ancient symbol for the Church – reaches its destination.

Mission in God’s name creates more life than we can imagine. Staying focused on mission amidst storms of every kind assures us that we will see and know the presence of Jesus.  And the life of the Risen Lord is pumped throughout the world by the Church.

According to Merriam-Webster, another definition of hallmark is: a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature.  Mission as a distinguishing characteristic is a most precious stamp in God’s eyes.

Most days, two or three protesters – not Episcopalians – stood outside the Convention Center holding large signs indicating the did not agree with the work of this Church.  On a particular day, one protester held a sign reading: Gene Robinson Minister of Satan.  I decided to engage the protestor in conversation. I wished God’s peace upon him, and listened to his opinions about our Church and Bishop Robinson.  As we parted, after hearing how he came to his judgments, I said, “My name is Terry White. And according to you, I, too, am a minister of Satan.”

Now this conversation outside the main entrance to the convention center, took place in the shadow of a massive sign two stories high that displayed the Church’s shield and the well-known words: “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.”

Please know that I was glad the man did not have a marker to add my name to the list, but I was also glad for the small chance to witness that this Church believes God’s love is for all.

It is my feeling that General Convention reflects where the Church already is, and this convention suggests we are increasingly convinced that the five marks of mission are priorities, how we most effectively live out the baptismal covenant.  It has been a priority for us here at the Cathedral, and I expect our own commitment to mission will grow here in the days ahead.

When we focus on mission, grace and generosity infect us and inspire us.  I look forward to the day when the Associated Press features the headline: Episcopalians Gather To Fight For More Mission.  Actually, I’ve got news for the AP: that day is here!

Beloved, may our lives incarnate Ubuntu.  May the Church’s heart continue to be changed, pumping life into the world, proclaiming “mission” with every beat.  Indeed, let mission be our hallmark.