March 22, 2008
(The Great Vigil of Easter)

Leaving the Tomb Behind

By The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean

At The Liturgy of the Word
Genesis 1:1-2:4a  •  Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18, 8:6-18, 9:8-13  •  Genesis 22:1-18  •  Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21  •  Ezekiel 37:1-14

At The Eucharist
Romans 6:3-11  •  Psalm 114  •  Matthew 28:1-10
(From The Lectionary Page)

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

As you know, it is customary to preach about five minutes on each reading from scripture . . . but then subtract two minutes for each baptism, confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation. Let’s see: (5 psalms + 7 lessons) x 5 - (26 baptisms, confirmations etc x 2). Basic algebra says – get moving Father White.

Matthew’s account of the first Easter Day is dramatic. At dawn an earthquake and angel momentarily scare the life out of at least two guards who faint dead away. Two Marys watch as the angel rolls back the stone to reveal an empty tomb. They are told: “Do not be afraid. The crucified Jesus is not here. He has been raised.”

Matthew does not describe how the resurrection occurred. Indeed, all four of the Gospels presuppose that readers believe in Christ’s Resurrection. Matthew’s Gospel was written at a time when animosity was developing between Jews and Christians, due in no small part to the disciples’ claim that Jesus was raised.

The term resurrection for Jews and followers of Jesus meant rising from death to life. Not merely reanimation or resuscitation. A resurrection person would not die again. Thus, resurrection was to occur at the end of human history, at the end of time, at the coming of God’s kingdom. At that time the just would be restored to new life – body and soul, and the wicked would either be restored to life in order to endure eternal punishment, or the wicked were simply annihilated. Thus, for the just, Resurrection life was a gift from God.

The challenge for the disciples was this: to have people set aside the understanding that resurrection would wait until the end of time. Focus instead, Matthew writes, on the more important part of the equation: Resurrection occurs when God’s kingdom arrives. And that has happened now in the raising of Jesus, Matthew proclaims.

My friends, that challenge remains for all of us today. Resurrection is not reserved for the end of time. It is for each of us now, and for the world now. The meaning of Resurrection is that that which was dead is now alive and will never die again.

Tonight, we have heard again the story of our salvation, reminding us that God is the source of life and liberation, the One who creates a world out of chaos and leads a slave people to freedom. God is the One who makes a path in the wilderness so that those who are in exile can find their way home. God comes to us in Jesus the Christ to redeem the whole creation and make all things new, conquering the power of sin and death and giving life to those in the tomb. This same Jesus waits for us just outside the tomb of our fear and says to us, "Don't be afraid. Come and meet me in Galilee. I'll be waiting there for you."

This is the great adventure of faith, this journey from death into life that leads us to Galilee and beyond. When we step outside of the tomb of fear and embrace life, we become caught up in the joyful, challenging, mysterious pilgrimage of the people of God on our way to the Promised Land; finding our way back home; seeking the kingdom of God that is within us and all around us. We, who are sometimes so afraid, can yet discover the transforming, renewing love that is at the heart of life with God. (Easter Vigil, Year C, April 10, 2004, The Rev. John Kirkley)

Transforming, renewing love has been showered on Lily and Adam in Holy Baptism, and that love was showered on us in our baptisms as well. In Baptism, you and I are buried with Christ in his death so that we can be given the gift of resurrection. Every confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation tonight is about claiming the new life and living it more completely.

Such an awesome night is this – when each of us, the whole church past, present and yet to come, and when all of creation passes over from death into life. We must not take this gift for granted. We are to grow in our understanding of this new life and share this life in what we do and in what we refuse to do. We choose life: to work for justice, to feed the hungry, to share our wealth, to be peacemakers, to find Christ and serve him. To be courageous in the face of all that would rob the resurrection of its transforming power and inclusive love.

And when the day comes when we confront the death of this mortal body, and as people we love fiercely breath their last, we can throw ourselves completely into God’s love and the power of the resurrection which will help us embrace gentle death as a friend who leads us home to God where we live forever. That is the truest reason for proclaiming Alleluia. For because of this night, by God’s abundant grace, we have been buried with Christ in baptism and raised to newness of life – we will never die again.

So let our joy know no end. Let our tears flow. Let life reign. Death has been defeated. The grave cannot hold our God and cannot bury our faith. This is the day the Lord has acted, and it is marvelous in our eyes!