April 7, 2007
(Holy Saturday)

It is Finished

By The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean

Job 14:1-14  •  Psalm 130 or 31:1-5  •  1 Peter 4:1-8  •  Matthew 27:57-66 or John 19:38-42
(From The Lectionary Page)

     He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
          was crucified, dead, and buried.
     He descended to the dead.

          -The Apostles' Creed

It is the Sabbath. The tomb is sealed with a stone. As requested by the religious leaders, Pilate sets a guard. For once they agree with Jesus: "It is finished." The religious leaders observe the Passover Sabbath. Pilate goes about business as usual, confident that this tempest in a teacup is finished.

As Jesus descends to the dead, he shares the Good News and breaks the bonds of sin and death. As souls are restored, he searches for one in particular. Without reservation, with the fullness of grace, Jesus releases the tortured soul of Judas. For if unconditional love is to mean anything, if God can truly forgive every sin, then the Betrayer must also be redeemed by the Redeemer. Christ's eternal victory over death is completed. Indeed: It Is Finished.

On this holy Sabbath, God breaks God's own law, and is anything but at rest. From ultimate darkness, redemption is forged, and we join the living and the dead to await The Third Day.