January 8, 2006
(First Sunday after the
Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
Proclaimers of the Gospel
By The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean
Isaiah 42:1-9 • Psalm 89:1-29 or 89:20-29 •
Acts 10:34-38 • Mark 1:7-11
The Lectionary Page)
When Linda Sue and I moved into our first rectory, we found ourselves in a two-story home that had housed clergy and families for over 100 years. In such a home you often find woodwork that has been painted over time and time again. We imagined what that woodwork might have looked like when it was first installed. Was it fine to look at, stained to emphasize a rich grain? Or had the woodwork always been painted? In short, we wondered if we should go about the work of trying to restore it.
In the corner of the dining room was a small 10-inch section of baseboard which became our test sample. It took a bit of time for even the most potent liquid stripper to reveal what was beneath years of curious color selections. And in the end, our efforts revealed wood that in fact looked much better painted.
Epiphany is a season of revelation. If we take the time, much is revealed to us in this account at the River Jordan. And what is revealed is precious.
First, John the baptizer is revealed. St. Mark writes that there was suddenness about John’s appearing; or at least people suddenly noticed what John was saying. He wasn’t the usual preacher, he was "proclaiming." In a short time, John made a huge impression on society. He was like some modern day public figures—people either loved him or hated him. Some resented him—while others were attracted to his proclamation and became faithful followers. Huge crowds came out to hear and see for themselves.
Those who followed John were intrigued by the humility of the man. His needs were few, the Gospels say. He ran his operation on no budget—certainly no clothing expenses accounts or entertaining funds were needed. He was clearly not trying to build a personal empire, nor impress anybody. And he saw as his mission preparing for someone much more significant than himself. How refreshing it must have been hear him insist that he was not worthy to untie the footwear of the one who was coming. How refreshing would we find such humility today. That is the mark of a disciple of Jesus and proclaimer of the Gospel. [Herbert O’Driscoll, The Word Among Us, Yr B, Vol 1, pp 65-7.]
What else is God revealing in this setting? Herbert O’Driscoll claims that we see here a pattern for Christian leadership, lay and ordained. Most people are not drawn to one who is building a personal empire, but to the one who is genuinely committed to a consistent message of holiness. John embodied salvation. He said so in his words and in his deeds, from the sermons he preached in his watery pulpit, to the ways he interacted one on one with those who came to him.
And such humility! I have baptized you with water, but the one who is coming will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. John knows his limitations, and also knows who is the One who will carry things further. (Ibid.)
Old woodwork is not all that has layers that need stripping away. We pile onto our lives layers to shield us. Weary of the pain that comes from risking to love, we prefer to insulate ourselves from a broken heart, and don a full set of pads before playing life’s game every day. Coping is understandable, for who wants to be exposed to the slings and arrows of life.
Yet, avoiding pain at all costs is not how the baptized are to live. At his baptism, Jesus was fully revealed to everybody. This was no timid coming out party. It was a bold act, proclaiming loudly and unequivocally: here is God’s Beloved Son, the Messiah. And the shock of it all was how vulnerable was this nearly naked 30 year-old, dripping wet, who had no following, no status, and no reputation. And in this one, was life and salvation. (Ibid.)
As baptized people, we, too, are to be public about who we are. The baptized community, the church, is never stronger than when we are dripping wet, stripped down, and without status or reputation. Then does our royal priesthood shine forth like the star of Bethlehem. When eloquent prose is followed by actions steeped in unconditional love—then we become heralds of the Gospel. When we live humbly, speak and act boldly while pointing to the Lord and not ourselves, then we are worthy of being called sons and daughters of God. How refreshing and attractive would the world find such a witness! Who wouldn’t want to live in such a life-giving church!
My friends in Christ, this Feast reveals yet again how much we are loved and accepted into God’s Heart. This has been the theme of these last several weeks. It is time to strip away all that prevents us from embracing this unconditional love as truth, and to strip away all that is keeping us from loving God so completely in light of this truth. Let our work here in this Cathedral point to God’s Son. Let our baptisms reveal Jesus to the world.
As we are to publicly live out our baptism, let me end with a public statement.
His Excellency Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, has suffered a massive stroke. As the prime minister was undergoing his first surgery, Mr. Pat Robertson used American airwaves to publicly suggest that he believed this stroke was caused by God because Mr. Sharon, in Robertson words, “was dividing God’s land” and further Robertson cited the Bible to support his claim.
The Anti-Defamation League has asked Christian pastors to distance themselves from this statement.
As your Dean, I am using the cathedral pulpit today to state publicly that Robertson’s suggestion, his blatant twisting and misuse of biblical passages to support his own prejudice and/or political view repulses me. And such a public statement from an ordained leader that is so void of compassion saddens me. Perhaps few Episcopalians listen to what he says, or care, but unfortunately, many people do.
I wish my Jewish sisters and brothers, and my Muslim sisters and brothers to know that Mr. Robertson does not speak for me or for the people of this Cathedral. Hatred in every form, especially hate that is draped in religious rhetoric, is an abomination before the Lord.
We pray today for peace among all people in the land sacred to the children of Abraham.
We pray for Ariel, son of Vera, for his family, and for the continuation of the work he has championed to bring peace.
And finally, let us pray for Pat Robertson.
May he and I spend less time making judgmental statements and devote more energy to seeking and serving Christ in all persons, respecting the freedom and dignity of every human being, and loving our neighbor, for that is the essence of living as a baptized proclaimer of the Gospel.