Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral


Make it So

April 3, 2005 (Second Sunday of Easter)

by Victor Sarrazin

- Acts 2:14a,22-32 or Genesis 8:6-16; 9:8-16
- Psalm 111 or 118:19-24
- 1 Peter 1:3-9 or Acts 2:14a,22-32
- John 20:19-31

(From The Lectionary Page)

My sisters and brothers, to be authentic believers in the resurrected Jesus, we must be people who live out his gospel in our every day lives.

In the lessons we heard today we get some variations on the theme of the blessed life that came to people who entrusted themselves to the resurrected Lord. In the lesson from the book of Acts, Peter is preaching to the people of Jerusalem, proclaiming witness to the resurrection of Jesus, the true Messiah. He is following through on his belief in Jesus’ instructions to him and the other disciples.

In the lesson from Peter’s letter, he exhorts believers of all generations to hold to the faith through the troubles of life, for we all have trials. He reminds us --  even though we have not seen Jesus and shaken his hand -- we know, love and believe in him. This belief of ours is working out its promise, our salvation.

The message of the Gospel of John we just heard is threefold: One, it testifies to the disciples experience of the risen Lord; two, it reminds us that we are blessed indeed for our belief in Jesus even though we were not there to touch him as Thomas did; three, it reminds us that the whole point of retelling these stories about Jesus the Christ is that people might come to belief in him and have a share in the eternal life he offers. Once again, the author of the gospel is putting his belief into action by writing putting down the stories that could inspirit future generations like ourselves.

We need to give ourselves full permission to enjoy and celebrate this truly GOOD NEWS! Especially during this Easter season. We also need to ask ourselves how we will carry out our lives as people of the resurrection. How will we authentically live out our belief. My sisters & brothers, we Americans are truly people of action. We have many cultural sayings and slogans that get across our preference for action. They run the gambit from the trite to the comically provocative. If you’ll indulge me I’d like to share with you my top 10 favorites:

10. Actions speak louder than words
9. Practice what you preach
8. Put your money were your mouth is
7. Put your hand to the plow and don't look back
6. Lead, follow or get out of the way
5. (Because I’m a want-to-be fly fisherman)  Either fish or cut bait
4. (When I worked as an electrician I learned:)  Lets get 'er done
3. Give me results not promises
2. (And for all the Star Trek fans: Jean-Luc Picard’s)  Make it so!
1. (Finally, from pop culture)  You can't talk the talk if you don't walk the walk

My brothers and sisters, in the short time my family and I have been part of this community we have weathered some truly rough storms. Both controversies that continue thoughout our church and a crisis of leadership right here at home. We did not back down from these challenges; our resolve to be a community of believers was not destroyed. Through the grace of God we have passed through all this and even united with a wonderful new dean and his family. I know they have been a blessing in my life and I’m sure they have blessed you as well.

As believers in Christ’ resurrected life, were will we go from here? There are many local projects we can deepen our commitment to: Habitat for Humanity and the Kansas City Community Kitchen, to name just two. There is also the question put to us by Father Terry just last week. Would we, could we, DARE WE find a creative way to partner ourselves with that maternity clinic in Haiti? God has blessed us with new life, skills, resources, wisdom and a holy toughness to make it through. Dare we put it all to work for the glory of Jesus the Christ and the good of our neighbors?