The Reign of Christ
November 21, 2004 (Twenty-fifth [Last] Sunday after Pentecost; Christ the King)
By The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean
- Jeremiah 23:1-6
- Psalm 46
- Colossians 1:11-20
- Luke 23:35-43
(From The Lectionary Page)
Eight year-old Heidi popped into the sacristy to introduce me to a friend of hers who had come to the church with her. Heidi was most proper in introducing me to her friend. As the two left to go to coffee hour, and I began to take off my vestments, I overhead Heidi say to her friend: “Now remember: that was Father White, and he is the head of the church. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” The altar guild member in the sacristy asked if that was what I was teaching the Sunday School these days! (Of course, I said yes.)
This last Sunday of the Church Year has the common title the Feast of Christ the King, for this Sunday symbolizes the end of human time when the Lord Jesus returns. I have become a bit more found of another title for this day: The Feast of the Reign of Christ. Each title calls us to acknowledge that Christ is King, Sovereign in our lives now as well as for eternity. King of Kings and Lord of Lords as our collect prays today.
In today’s secopnd lesson to the
Church at Colossae, Paul employs lofty, poetic images to describe
Jesus as King:
Image of the invisible God. . .
Firstborn of all creation
All things have been created through him
Before all things
In him all thigns hold together
Head of the body, the church
Firstborn from the dead
In him all the fullness of God
In these words we hear a great mind trying to attain the unattainable, to find language that for which there is no language – the glory of Christ (O’Driscoll, p172).
I wish to make a bold proposition this morning: that as the cathedral, as a community of Christians, we see not only our worship and education and pastoral care and outreach as expressions of our allegiance to Christ, but also our budget. A budget may not be as poetic as today’s epistle – but I submit we say an awful lot about our allegiance to Christ and our commitment to the reign of Christ by how we use our money as individuals and as a parish.
Our work here, the mission we believe we are called to carry out, is an acknowledgement of the sovereignty of Christ in our corporate life as a congregation. So much life, hope, and glory flows from this place. The Lord of Life is known here, in our celebrations of Word and Sacraments, in our times of study and fellowship, in our acts of caring and outreach, in our trials, and in connections with others. WE want to build upon what we presently do, and create new ways to the Church in this place, showing hospitality to the marginalized, giving voice to the voice less, and feeding the soul of this city. I can hear dozens of you asking: What will we do with all the money which exceeds the $76,000 we need. Let me just say: throughout this parish, another $100,000 of budget requests for 2005 could then be fulfilled.
Practically speaking, for the next two months, until the annual meeting, we shall challenge each other to meet our 2005 budget and exceed it. Because our allegiance to Christ is strong, we shall gladly and joyously respond. Paul concludes his praises of Christ the King with these words: He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.
Our budget, OUR budget in which over 25 ministries and committees request financial support, is about giving Jesus first place in everything: in our parish work, our budget, and our checkbooks and wallets.
Beloved sons and daughters of the King of Kings: an old proverb says that we each place a crown on Jesus – but asks what will our crown be made of? Together, as a parish community, we also create a crown. May it truly reflect our love and thanksgiving. May Jesus Christ have first place in everything.
We are in the business of sharing the glory of Christ, the mystery of his love, and the fullness of his grace with this city.