Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral


Getting in to the Kingdom of God

August 22, 2004 (Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost -- Proper 16)

By The Rev. Benjamin J. Newland

- Isaiah 28:14-22
- Psalm 46
- Hebrews 12:18-19,22-29
- Luke 13:22-30

The Gospel lesson for today seems very awkward to me. This collection of verses from the Gospel of Luke hardly seem belong together. Even Luke seems confused, beginning this passage by saying that “Jesus went through one town and village after another…” as if he can’t even remember where Jesus and the disciples were when Jesus said these particular things. The question asked of Jesus is brought forth with just three vague and unspecific words: “Someone asked him.”

From this bumpy start, Jesus makes a series of statements that, while related to each other, don’t seem to completely belong to each other. He was asked if only a few would be saved. Jesus begins by telling “them” that they should strive to enter through the narrow door. This would seem to answer the question yes, only a few will be saved, because the door is narrow. But by the end of the passage Jesus has switched to a quasi-parable format where people are coming from east and west, from north and south, from everywhere and anywhere to eat in the Kingdom of God. This would seem to answer the question no, many will be saved for many will be welcomed in the Kingdom of God.

Between these two apparently opposite answers lie statements about the Disciples (I think, or maybe everyone Jesus is talking to?) assuming they have been granted entry to a house but the owner of the house claiming not to know them. The passage ends with “some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last. Taken together these statements are clearly related to each other and to the question posed at the beginning, will only a few be saved?, but it is hard to imagine how anyone, least of all Jesus who is remembered for his skill in speaking and storytelling, could have said these things one after another and expected to be understood.

Maybe Jesus was having a bad day? Or maybe Luke, by the time he had gotten around to writing these things down, had forgotten exactly how and where Jesus had said these things, and so just grouped them together as best he could? I suppose its blasphemy to suggest such a thing, but I really can’t make a whole lot of sense of this passage, and neither could the various books I consulted about this portion of Luke’s Gospel.

So, having admitted that I don’t really know what this Gospel passage is about as a whole, let me offer a few words on three different themes that I find here. First, on the nature of that narrow door and what it might mean. Second, on the rejection of those who assume they will be welcomed into the house. And third, on the welcoming of those from east and west, north and south into the Kingdom of God and Jesus last statement about the last and the first.

Part one, the narrow door. This is where preachers usually go with this passage I’m guessing, as it has lots possible meanings to extract. Narrow doors can mean safety and protection. In the ancient near east and medieval Europe, doors were occasionally made narrow and low to make it more difficult for an enemy to attack those inside the door. An enemy on horseback would have to stop and dismount to enter the building one at a time, making it easier for those inside to defend themselves. Native American dwellings from the ancient American southwest also have narrow and low doors, probably to help regulate the heat of summer and cold of winter. So narrow doors can mean protection, or safety, or comfort.

Narrow doors can also mean difficulty in entering of course, and this is what most people imagine when Jesus says to strive to enter through the narrow door. We assume that Jesus meant we should try to enter the Kingdom of God but that it would be difficult. We couldn’t carry much with us, and we’d have to duck our heads down and squeeze somewhat unnaturally. Perhaps Jesus meant that we should try to enter the Kingdom of God, but that it would be hard for us.

The second of the three themes I wanted to point out makes up the middle section of Jesus’ response. Like I said, I can’t tell if he’s talking to the Disciples or to some unnamed crowd gathered around him. Whoever he’s talking to, he’s pretty hard on them, telling them that when they go to knock at the door, the owner of the house will not recognize them. As Jesus goes on it becomes clear that the house he is talking about is the Kingdom of God and the owner who won’t open the door is himself. Despite the fact that these people knew Jesus, Jesus insists that he does not know where they come from, and won’t admit them.

This section seems to emphasize the first sections answer to that initial question about how many are going to be saved. Not only will it be difficult, like entering through a narrow door, but many who seem to have the best chance of being admitted to the Kingdom of God will be turned away at the very door. Knowing what will come next about the first being last, I think this whole section about Jesus refusing to open the door is about humility and the assumption of admittance. Whoever Jesus is talking to, they assume that they are already admitted to the Kingdom of God and that they need only remind Jesus of their close, personal relationship to get past the velvet rope in front of everyone else in line. It’s not necessarily that they won’t be welcomed into the Kingdom of God, its just that such welcome will come on Jesus’ terms, and not because of name-dropping or special status.

In support of that idea is the third theme from this Gospel passage, where “people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the Kingdom of God.” This restores the Kingdom to a place of radical welcome, where people from everywhere and anywhere will be invited and made welcome. In combination with the final statement that “some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last,” I understand this to mean that the Kingdom of God is a place where everyone will be welcomed, but that the line to get in will not be in the order we thought it would be.

Here again is the concept of humility, for those who might think themselves most qualified for admittance into the Kingdom will find themselves last in line, while those who might think themselves unworthy will be asked to step inside first. Here we are on familiar ground with Jesus, as he does his best to warn us that the Kingdom of God will turn everything upside down.

And so, having offered my thoughts on these three Kingdom of God themes, I will say this. I still don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put these statements back to back like they are. However, given that I don’t necessarily understand, I’ll draw this conclusion. Jesus calls us to work hard to enter the Kingdom of God, for it will be difficult. Jesus also assures us that the Kingdom of God is open to everyone and anyone, and it is not for us to decide who is most or least worthy to enter.

It all boils down to this: Live as though entry into the Kingdom of God depended entirely on you, but know that in the end it depends entirely on God. I may not have that exactly right, but that’s my working hypothesis for now. AMEN.