Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - August 3, 2003
by The Rev. Linda Yeager, Deacon
- Exodus 16:2-4,9-15
- Psalm 78:14-20,23-25
- Ephesians 4:17-25
- John 6:24-35
(From The Lectionary Page)
I have spoken of my cooking exploits a time or two before, but here goes again. Actually, I am not a bad baker. I like to make bread; I have always enjoyed baking bread -- for several reasons. First, I enjoy the manipulation of the dough, the kneading, and the physical pleasure that comes from the handling of the dough. I also like to watch the bread rise, become puffy and high. Then there's the aroma of baking bread and finally the taste of warm, fresh bread dripping with butter. There is definitely something satisfying about the taste and texture of bread. It's real food; it speaks to all the senses. It has become a symbol of many parts of life. We speak of working to "put bread on the table." We even use the word bread to mean money: "How much bread did you get for that job?" Bread has become the staff of life. There's the bread in The Lord's Prayer and the bread of the Eucharist and on and on. In fact, bread is such a symbol of our Christian life as well as our secular life that it is almost trivial to speak of it with any import at all.
Yet, Jesus tells those who followed him that he is the Bread of Life. Many of those in Palestine had heard of the miracle of the loaves and fishes and they followed Jesus to seek that miraculous free bread, comparing it to the manna that Moses had "given" them in the wilderness. Jesus explains that Moses didn't give them the manna, that God did and, furthermore, the bread that we eat, even when it is fresh and delicious, is perishable. Jesus was explaining to the crowd that he is the way of eternal life. Unless we fill ourselves with him, we're not just empty and hungry: we're spiritually dead. We are what we eat. If we pursue only junk food, we shall die of malnutrition. The world shall perish into meaninglessness.
We, you and I, are Christians because we are hungry for spiritual food, for the bread of life, for Jesus. We are here, in this place, for sustenance because ultimately we are not satisfied with the bread of the world. There's a lot of junk food in our lives that will not sustain us, junk food like fame, prestige, wealth, power, pleasure. We encounter these junk foods every day and we are tempted to partake of them because they are accessible, comfortable, and satisfy us easily. But these foods are not only not good for us, but they lead us into selfishness and greed and away from faith and trust and satisfaction.
We are all on a journey through this world, and we all need bread for the journey. What is our bread for the journey? Why ARE you here this morning? Or why ARE you listening to a tape of this sermon at home? Or reading it on paper or on the Internet? What has drawn you into Christianity? What has drawn you to Christ? Why have you chosen Christ to accompany you on your journey? I asked myself those questions -- I asked them for you and for me. And then I began to acknowledge the true bread that is available here, the bread that we are able to accept because of faith. First, of course, we find the true bread in the sacrament. Christ's presence in the Eucharist feeds us; in the Eucharistic prayer we ask that as we receive the Sacrament, we may serve God in "unity, constancy, and peace." The holy mystery of the Sacrament feeds us with the true Bread which does nourish us to serve God in the world, to remain centered on true nourishment.
And there's more sustenance in this place. We will baptize two precious children this morning whose parents have chosen to begin these children's journeys within the community of the church. Their children will be nourished with the true bread of baptism. Their parents and their godparents understand the nourishment of baptism and will remember this day and continue to offer these children the true bread. Faith and love of Christ is present in this commitment.
The mothers in the Guild of the Christ Child recognize the true bread for the journey. They welcome each new baby who is born into our church with love, joy, and gifts of food and faith, encouraging these new families to partake of the sustenance that can be found in this place.
Those who help in the Kansas City Community Kitchen recognize the true bread for the journey. Each weekday KCCK, with the help of many, many volunteers, feeds over 500 people who are hungry not only for lunch, but also for self-esteem, acceptance and hope. And our Culinary Cornerstones program prepares people to work in the food industry, to gain respect and a sense of worth. The true bread nourishes these hopes and gives strength to those who are struggling.
Those who have shown leadership in our Bible School recognize the true bread for the journey. Some of you may not know that for the past five Sunday mornings, the children in our church have been involved in an energetic, organized, faith-filled Bible School format that has been designed, organized, and implemented by volunteers who believe that Christ is the bread of life and want to nourish our children with his love.
Those who serve at the altar through reading, acolyting, chalice bearing; those who serve the church as ushers, altar guild members; those who volunteer in any way in the church; those who serve on the vestry or other committees; those who plan adult forums and other educational Christian programs; those who attend these programs; those who worship in sincerity and faith -- all recognize the true bread for the journey. They are hungry for real food and have come here to partake of it.
Many of us are concerned and anxious about the events occurring at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church U.S.A. which is taking place this week in Minneapolis. Among numerous issues, a vote is being taken today to determine whether the convention will accept or reject the election of an openly gay man as bishop of New Hampshire. Obviously, this matter is one of great personal import to many of us. But the issue is not as much what is decided about this election, as it is how we will proceed as a family following the decision. If we are a family and Jesus is the bread that nourishes all of us, then we must continue to break bread together. Leaving is never helpful in any family. Recognizing the sincerity of each person's heart is the key to understanding. Those that support the election use the language of rights and justice; those that oppose speak the language of righteousness. Both speak from the heart. What do we do about this? I pray that we can continue to communicate with one another, love one another, and together seek the nourishment that comes from union with Christ.
There is a story of a holy man who rested beneath a tree at the outskirts of a city. He was interrupted by a man who ran to him saying, "The stone! Give me the stone! Please, give me the stone." "What stone?" asked the holy man. Then the man told how an angel had appeared to him in a dream and told him that he would find a pilgrim just outside the city who would give him a stone and make him rich forever. The holy man reached into his pocket and pulled out a great diamond. "The angel probably spoke of this," he said. "I found it on my journey here. If you truly want it, you may have it." The diamond was as big as his fist and perfect in every way. The man marveled at its beauty, clutched it eagerly, and walked away from the holy man. That night he could not sleep. Before it was light, he went out to find the pilgrim again. At dawn he woke the holy man, saying, "The wealth! Give me the wealth! Please, give me the wealth that lets you so easily give away the diamond."
The wealth is the bread for the journey, the wealth is the nourishment that Jesus offers, that comes through himself. We are all here because we are on a journey. No journey is completely trouble-free; no journey -- if you have traveled our highways this summer, you know for sure -- is without rough spots, without detours and delays. We are, however, traveling this journey together and we need never be hungry. Christ is the bread of life; he has promised to be with us always. He is that satisfying bread that resides in each of our senses and will never perish. We who are hungry for the true bread will continue to strive to reject the food that the world offers, the momentary pleasures, the daily irritations, the petty issues that we cling to comfortably. Instead we will seek nourishment for our souls, the strength to be faithful and the true hope that we, who live our lives in God, will live with God forever.
Kansas City, Missouri