Maundy Thursday - April 17, 2003
By Linda Yeager
- Exodus 12:1-14a
- Psalm 78:14-20,23-25
- 1 Corinthians 11:23-26(27-32)
- John 13:1-15
or Luke 22:14-30
(From The Lectionary Page)
Consider Peter. Many of us do consider Peter as the disciple who was most human. We consider ourselves to be much like him because we, too, make mistakes; we open our mouths when we should be quiet; we rush in with ideas when it would be better to think through a project first. We have the enthusiasm and desire to be loyal, but we don't always have the follow-through.
We remember that Peter was one of Jesus' closest friends. We know that he was the first one to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. We particularly remember him for his triple denial of Christ. Who is this Peter? What can we learn from him? Why did Jesus pursue him? Simon was a fisherman by trade, an ordinary guy. He lived with his mother-in-law, although we never hear of his wife. Andrew, his brother, told him about Jesus, and when Jesus met Simon, Jesus immediately gave him a new name -- Peter -- rock. God gave Abram a new name, you know, to claim him as his own. Jesus claimed Peter as his own with this name that some believe was meant to be prophetic that one day Peter would be the foundation stone of the Church. Others think that "Peter" is a nickname -- Rocky -- indicative perhaps of his stubbornness, his thick-headedness even.
Jesus kept after Peter -- he wanted him. Jesus visited Peter's house when he came to Capernaum. Peter's mother-in-law was ill, but Jesus cured her so that she was able to serve her guests. Jesus cured others who appeared at Peter's doorstep, then Jesus went into the desert for a night of prayer. Peter, being Peter, followed him into the desert to find him and bring him back. He found Jesus in prayer. "Everybody is looking for you," Peter told Jesus. Jesus reply was, "Let us go someplace else." Jesus was always very personal with Peter. Even though others were looking for Jesus, Jesus wanted Peter to be seeking him. Just as in Caesarea Philippi, when Jesus asks Peter, "Who do YOU say that I am?"
One day when Jesus was preaching near the shore of the lake, a huge crowd gathered. Jesus got into Peter's boat and preached from there. Then Jesus told Peter to take the boat out into the lake and put down the nets. Peter, who was sure that he knew more about fishing than Jesus did, explained that he and his fellow fishermen had worked all night and caught nothing. Plus, the fish in this lake didn't bite during the day. But Peter agreed to follow Jesus' request and, to his astonishment and that of his fellow fishermen, so many fish filled the nets that they were in danger of breaking. Immediately, Peter felt awe and remorse. Jesus had performed a miracle that Peter understood -- that spoke to who Peter was, a fisherman. It was the kind of miracle that went straight to Peter's heart, and Peter became permanently committed to Jesus.
There was another shared experience on a boat for Jesus and Peter. Just after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, Jesus went to a mountain to pray. Jesus instructed the disciples to get into a boat and start rowing across the lake ahead of him. As they were rowing, they saw Jesus walking on the sea toward them. Jesus called out to them to not be afraid. Peter -- wanting to be the one to show his courage -- asked Jesus to tell him to come to Jesus on the water. Jesus told him to come ahead. Peter climbed over the edge of the boat and, miracle of miracles, began walking on the water. But when he realized what he was doing, he became frightened and began to sink. "Lord, save me," he cried. And Jesus reached out his hand and pulled Peter toward him. Jesus didn't order Peter to stay in the boat -- he let him learn from experience. He let Peter try to make it on his own, then rescued him when Peter turned to him for help.
Peter became concerned about the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees. He decided to talk to Jesus about the negative attitude of those strict law observers. He explained to Jesus that the idea of going up to Jerusalem was not a good one. What would happen to Peter and his friends if Jesus allowed himself to be crucified? Jesus, once again, had to straighten out his friend and explain to Peter that he was looking at the situation through his -- Peter's -- eyes, not God's. Peter surely felt humiliated; his willfulness had gotten him in trouble once again. Jesus further explained to Peter that sacrifice was necessary to be a follower of Christ.
Which brings us to the paschal supper. Events are progressing quickly now; Jesus is preparing for his death. After Peter and John have prepared the supper and the disciples are sharing the meal with Jesus, Peter again shows his humanness. Jesus "took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him." We are Peter now. Just as Peter objected, we object. No, Peter said, you cannot wash my feet. You, who have taught me so much -- you, who have performed miracles in front of my eyes -- you, who have allowed me to see through God's eyes -- you, whom I worship. You cannot wash MY feet.
Peter, Peter, Peter. Jesus once again uses Peter to teach us all, to help us "get it." "...if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you."
" also should do as I have done to you." And what did Jesus do to Peter? He chose him as his own. Just as he has done for you and me. He sought a personal relationship with Peter. Just as he has done for you and me. He performed miracles in Peter's life. Just as he has done for you and me. He allowed Peter to see how much better his life could be when he depended on Jesus. Just as he has done for you and me. He reminded Peter that his ways are not God's ways. Just as he has done for you and me. He showed Peter that we must be servants to one another, that we must follow Jesus' example to love one another through actions of humility and servitude. Just as he has done for you and me. He died for Peter's sins. Just as he has done for you and me.
Yes, let us consider Peter. Let us study his life in scripture and in our hearts. Let us listen to the lessons that Jesus gave to Peter. Let us consider Peter, with all his flaws and imperfections, with all his bluntness and bungling, with all his heart and hopes. And let us listen, as Peter did, to Jesus' instructions: "For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you." May God help each of us to be a servant to one another, to love one another so much that we want to reach out to one another in humility, for it is when we serve others that we serve our Lord.