The Rev. Michael Schaffer
13 January 2002
Epiphany 1 Year A
Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 89: 1-29
Acts 10: 34-38
Matthew 3:13-17
But Jesus answered him, Let it be so now Matthew 3:15
So weve just completed the first full work week of the year and for most of us the holiday decorations are down. Were struggling to keep our New Year resolutions and striving to implement plans and strategies, whether business or personal, to make this a better, more successful year than last. A new year, a new beginning. But this past week I began to question what was really new about what I was doing. I asked myself whether my priorities were in line with my intended commitment after September 11th to invest more of myself in efforts and relationships that gave meaning and purpose to life and how if at all, I was different. In my living, am I really doing anything different in January 2002, than I was in January 2001? Are my priorities any different? Are yours?
Every year we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. And every year the story of Jesus baptism in the River Jordan by John the Baptist is proclaimed in the Gospel. Surely therefore I thought, this should be one of the easiest passages on which to preach. But as I meditated upon todays gospel reading I found the story of Jesus baptism anything but easy to understand and I became increasing uneasy with the idea of preaching on the subject. I mean there is so much happening of theological significance in this small passage its mind blowing.
Much of it way past my understanding. Jesus answer to the Fathers call to service, a servant ministry. The symbolic ripping open of the heavens and descent of the Holy Spirit. The affirmation of God. But I kept asking myself, why was Jesus baptized anyway? After all, wasnt Jesus God made flesh, through whom all things are made?
The Alpha and Omega? The very foundation of Christianity? Was it a demonstration of His solidarity with those of the flesh? Was it simply a means to announce his public ministry, a coming out celebration? Or was it simply a further act of God in the fulfillment of scripture in furtherance of His plan? Even the one to whom he went for baptism, John the Baptist recognized that Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God, was in no need of repentance, and tried to dissuade him saying, I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? This seems the reverse of what should be. Its all upside down. But Jesus answered him, Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.
In Matthews gospel, we hear of the dialogue between Jesus and John the Baptist before the baptism. John was a wandering prophet who did not proclaim himself as Messiah, but whos task it was to prepare the way by calling people to an awareness of sin and repentance, in anticipation of a renewed relationship, a new covenant with God. The sign or symbol John used to express this change of life, this new direction chosen by people, was a ritual called baptism; an act of bathing in water as a sign of spiritual purification, commonly practiced by many religions of the time, including Judaism. By accepting baptism from John, people not only acknowledged their own sinfulness, but their desire and intention to enter into a new relationship with God, by changing the way they were living.
Can you imagine what John must have felt when Jesus approached to be baptized. The wandering prophet who proclaimed, I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. And then there stood Jesus, the one of whom he spoke! Surely feeling humbled John says to Jesus, I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? Im sure the irony of the circumstance was not lost on John. He certainly did not expect this, and his reaction would indicate he was not prepared for such a request. The established order of things was out of sync. Roles must have seemed reversed, the world for a moment upside down. Would John comply? Would you? Maybe more to the point for this mornings reflection, have you or will you?
John yielded to Jesus request, even though John thought himself unworthy to baptize Jesus, not out of his own merit, but rather in fulfillment of Gods plan. And it should not to go unnoticed, that once both Jesus and John had shown their willingness to accept Gods plan, God made known His presence and joy. He pronounced His affirmation.
Then he consented. And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.
Obviously, the story of Jesus does not begin or end with his Baptism. The story begins in creation, when the creator, after each act of creation, stepped back and said, It is good. When Jesus was baptized that same delight of God is expressed. It was from this sense of delight and affirmation that Jesus was able to claim his place. It was in the delight and unconditional love of the Father that Jesus was able to accept his mission. He was able to believe that life as it is given is good. He understood that he was one with the Father. Our Baptism brings the same presence of the Holy Spirit and affirmation from God that rejoices in what we are becoming. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christs own forever.
Jesus baptism gives witness to a new and righteous relationship between God and his people. God is reclaiming that which he created. Baptism marks the renewal of a relationship with God that began at creation, moving us in new directions by turning our face to Him. For thirty years Jesus lived the life of a young carpenter in Nazareth. His baptism marked a new direction in His life, just as our baptism symbolizes a new direction in ours. Instead of driving nails in wood to create new furniture for the people of Nazareth, Jesus starts a journey that will result in nails being driven though him into wood, so that Gods chosen creation may be saved and have everlasting life. His baptism is a witness to Gods claim upon him and His belonging to God. So too are our baptisms such a witness. We die to the old, and live in the new. Our lives are turned in a new direction.
At its core, the Baptism of Our Lord is a reminder of Gods calling to all of us to serve. It recalls our own baptism and the new direction to which we are called in our relationship with God. The seeds of Christian life are sown in baptism, which means we belong to Gods family and have been chosen for a mission in the world of our time. The successful carrying out of that mission is only possible if we are prepared to live in accordance with Gods will. Baptism is not over when the Bishop, priest or deacon pours water over our head and we are sealed with chrism. The sacrament is simply the planting of the seed of Christian life that grows and bears fruit as we develop in our relationship with God.
The beginning of the New Year provides us with an opportunity to exam our relationship with Christ and our calling as members of Gods family. Do you believe in God the Father? Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God? Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? If so, what commitment have you made to continue in the apostles teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers? Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord? What plans have you made for the New Year to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ? How will you seek and serve Christ in all persons? Do you truly love your neighbors as yourself? Do you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
While we renew our baptismal vows by answering these questions when participating in the baptismal service, I am ashamed to say, that none of these issues, these commitments, which seemed so important to me in September, were even a consideration in formulating my plans or strategies the New Year. Are they considerations for you? If you were to die next week, what did you do this week that could be more important?
My friends, in baptism our direction has already been reversed. In following Jesus, we are in many ways turned upside down. I pray that our faith is strong enough, like that of John the Baptist, to allow us to yield to Gods plan for us. And that in the new life of baptism, we are bold enough to live life not in the shadow of what weve done wrong, but in the light of whats been set right, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
By the gift of Gods grace, let it be so now