January Diaper Drive
Not having a clean diaper can really stink
Diapers are not covered by government safety net programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and WIC.
An estimated 21,000 children in our metropolitan area need diaper assistance (US Census 2020)
Families with young children experiencing diaper need report missing an average of 5.1 workdays per month because they did not have the required number of diapers for their child to attend daycare.
Bring diapers to the barrel in the cross hall or to the basket in the Tower or donate diapers directly through the happybottoms.org site using “Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral” for the group name.

Paper Drive for Sheffield Place
Bring donations of toilet paper, paper towels and tissues to the basket in the Tower during the month of February. Sheffield Place assists homeless women and children in making the difficult journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
Volunteer Opportunity

In partnership with St. Paul’s on Main, we have been invited to a new volunteer opportunity once a month on Saturday mornings at St. Paul’s from approximately 9:30 a.m. to noon. This is to assist with distribution of TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program).
Upcoming TEFAP dates are February 15 and March 15. For additional information on TEFAP, please visit their website.
For more information, contact Deacon Barbara 816.739.8032 or bwegener@kccathedral.org.
Our Philosophy
The work of our social outreach ministries includes a range of programs through which we assist, both directly and indirectly, people in need. It is our goal to develop a comprehensive program from which you choose an area that is important to you.
Our work is directed to the global, national, diocesan and local community. Wherever there is a need, we shall try to respond. In this way, we are a conduit by which we all can reveal Christ’s love to those who are most in need.
We lament with Christ that the poor may very well always be with us. In these programs, we cannot and do not provide comprehensive solutions. Rather, we touch one person or family in need at a time, doing what we are able to do. Join us in reaching out to a community in need—in being a source of assistance to those who so desperately require it.
Hunger Relief
The Cathedral works in partnership with Episcopal Community Services and the Episcopal Hunger Relief Network in an effort to ease the burden of hunger in our community. This partnership involves an annual financial donation to ECS and supporting individual ministries. The following are ways you can become involved in feeding the hungry.
Pete’s Garden—Pete’s Garden meals are distributed through social service agencies that serve children and their families. Most of the families who receive Pete’s Garden meals are headed by single women in low paying jobs, living below federal poverty guidelines. Pete’s Garden currently operates out of our Founders’ Hall Café. Sign up to volunteer here
BackSnack Program—Outreach provides food for the weekend for children who are part of the free lunch program in five different schools, across three different school districts. Family Bags are also distributed at the holidays when children are out of school for longer periods of time.
NourishKC—NourishKC, formerly Episcopal Community Services, is a nonprofit dedicated to building a food-secure region in the Greater Kansas City area, both in providing healthy food and assisting the community to move beyond the barriers of poverty with dignity.
Food Pantries—Outreach supports local food pantries periodically with food donations.
Children’s Ministries
HappyBottoms—The Cathedral provides diapers for children from needy families through three annual diaper drives. Volunteers from the Cathedral also help pack diapers at the HappyBottoms Distribution Center.
Foster Care Projects—Assistance is given to children in the foster care system by providing Easter baskets, school supplies, and a Christmas party for children in residence and foster care affiliated with Crittenton’s Children Center, part of St. Luke’s Health Care Systems.
Global Birthing Home Foundation: Maison de Naissance—Maison de Naissance is a birthing home in southwest Haiti that is supported with monetary donations and an annual onesie drive so newborns can go home with a new onesie.
Sheffield Place—The Cathedral supports this shelter for women and children with dinners, Easter baskets for the children and Mother’s Day baskets for the women.
Episcopal Relief and Development—The Cathedral has made donations for disaster relief, both nationally and internationally, as well as purchasing farm animals for people in developing countries; supported clean water initiatives and the building of wells; and supported women’s and newborn’s health in developing countries.
El Hogar School in Honduras—The Cathedral provides scholarships, as well as hygiene and clothing items.
Special Projects
The Cathedral is always investigating ways to grow outreach in the community. In the past, the Social Outreach Committee has responded to those affected by natural disasters, rebuilding of churches that faced catastrophes, local Habitat for Humanity projects, as well as providing financial support to several community projects. We are always open to supporting new ministries and causes. Is there an outreach project you want to see the Cathedral support? Contact the Cathedral office and let us know.
How can I help?
Pray for those involved with the Cathedral’s social outreach ministries and for those who need our help.
Give your time
Interested in helping with a ministry? Contact the Cathedral office.
Give Financially
Donate online or mail donations to:
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral
415 West 13th Street
Kansas City MO 64105-1350
Memo Social Outreach on your check.