William Jewell Partnership

Center for Faith & Culture at William Jewell College

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral is one of the churches in the greater Kansas City area partnering with William Jewell College’s Center for Faith and Culture. We are excited to be a part of this program! We hope you will take advantage of this learning opportunity by signing up for one or more classes, whether at the Cathedral or at one of the other partner churches.

Below are the classes offered at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral. Read about all the classes offered through the Center for Faith and Culture here.

Praying the Lenten Gospels: Embodying Ourselves in the Wilderness

Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9

6:30-7:45 p.m.

Dean Keyse will lead five Lenten mediations in which participants will listen to the corresponding Gospel for the upcoming Sunday, Year C, and begin to picture themselves within the story. Each meditation will utilize images and music associated with that particular Gospel. With the image before us, we will hear the reading and immerse ourselves within the wilderness of Lent. Time for reflection and discussion will follow. The Gospels we will use are Luke 13:31-35; Luke 13:1-9; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32; and John 12:1-8.

The Very Rev. Dr. Andy Keyse is the 9th dean of Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and began his ministry there on Dec. 1, 2019. Prior to coming to Kansas City, he served as the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Florence, Alabama (2007-2019), and as the Associate Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Hinsdale, Illinois (2002-2007). He received his Master of Divinity in 2002 and a Doctor of Ministry (Liturgy) in 2018, both from the School of Theology, The University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee. Keyse was ordained both Deacon and Priest in the Diocese of Chicago in 2002.