From the Desk of the Senior Warden • September 22, 2023

Recently Joan Bergstrom, the Cathedral’s Sacristan and Volunteer Coordinator, asked many of our volunteers for short quotes about why they volunteer. I pondered that question and the short answer I came up with was “I volunteer as a way to meet and get to know other Cathedral members.” However, the full answer to that question is so much more it is the same answer I give when asked why I pledge. It has to do with belonging. When I give of my time, talent, and treasure it is an outward and visible sign that I don’t just go to Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, I belong to Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Here are some more quotes from members of our Cathedral family who volunteer:

  • “Great way to meet others.”
  • “I have been very fortunate in this life and feel if I’m not giving back, I am just taking up space.”
  • “GHTC is home for me!”
  • “For me, serving is a form of prayer.”
  • “Because a church is made up of all its members. We each need to do our part.”
  • “Being a Eucharistic Visitor enables me to take the word of God and the Eucharistic elements to those who are unable to attend services. It is incredibly rewarding.”
  • “Make new friends. Learn new things. Makes me feel good.”
  • “I volunteer because Jesus loves me and service to others shows my love of Jesus and my love for others.”
  • “I like being part of things – church is more enjoyable to me when I’m part of what makes it happen. Having a “job” gives me a sense of purpose and belonging. And you get to know people you wouldn’t otherwise!”
  • “Serving on the altar is a privilege, and I love the Cathedral. People who volunteer are the backbone of the church, we cannot do services as they are meant to be done without them.”
  • “To help others as Christ asked us to do. To help with the many tasks that have to be done to keep a church functioning by using any talents God gave me. To be with other members and feel a part of the community. I enjoy helping others.”
  • “I like how it helps me get to know people.”                                     
  • “Because GHTC blesses me with a spiritual place of prayer, music, and community I am honored to volunteer my time with gratitude and thanks to GHTC.”
  • “For decades I’ve enjoyed my Altar Guild responsibilities to assist with the beautiful, sacred Holy Communion services.”
  • “I volunteer for anything needed by the Cathedral where my talents would be of help. Be it handyman repairs, making deliveries for BackSnacks or ushering. Many times ushers are needed during weekdays for funerals, or other events and I can help since I’m retired.”
  • “It is a joy to serve God and his people.”
  • “I volunteer as part of my stewardship-giving in actions.”
  • “If Christ can die on the cross for my sins, I can give 20 minutes once a month to serve on altar guild.”
  • “I feel more a part of the community when I volunteer.”
  • “One of the reasons I volunteer is to teach my children the importance of giving in whatever capacity you can without the expectation of anything in return. Also, for the sense of community.”

As Dean Andy reminds us each Friday: Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation and the world.

 Candy McDowell

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