This Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, is also known as Gaudete Sunday, a name dating back to the Roman Catholic calendar of the church year. The name, which means “rejoice,” comes from the first words of the Latin introit antiphon “Rejoice in the Lord always.” We will hear that word a lot this Sunday as the Old Testament reading from Zephaniah uses it many times and Paul’s epistle to the Philippians is the text of the old Latin introit antiphon. Originally, this day was meant to be a lighter day of joy in the midst of a penitent season. Our current view of Advent focuses more on hope and expectation, so there is not as much need to designate a day of joy. All of Advent becomes joyful as we wait for the celebration of our Lord’s first coming while continuing to anticipate his second coming. However we think of Advent today, it is still a time of preparation. A time to prepare ourselves to receive our Savior once again.
Don’t forget our Advent activities this weekend. The Women’s Lunch and Service Project is tomorrow morning at 11 a.m.; Mingle and Munch, Sweaters and Sips is from 6-9 p.m. at the Nichols home in the Northland; Advent Lessons and Carols is at 5 p.m. on Sunday, followed by a reception in the Common Room.
I haven’t included a financial snapshot in a while, so here are the numbers through November 2024 and an update on Stewardship.
MTD Budget $217,009; MTD Actual $182,790
YTD Budget $1,963,808; YTD Actual $1,785,308
MTD Budget $175,783; MTD Actual $171,984
YTD Budget $1,933,618; YTD Actual $1,863,782
Our 2024 Annual Giving Campaign goal was $500,000. As of December 6, we have received $433,358.
Our 2025 Annual Giving Campaign goal is $455,000. To date, we have received 73 Pledges for a total of $264,000.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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