Thanksgiving is upon us, but there are a few things coming up before we can focus on the one day a year specifically set aside for giving thanks as a nation. This Sunday is our Pledge Ingathering where we will bless all the pledges for next year that have come in so far. Our 2025 Stewardship theme is “Bless Our Family, Formed in Faith,” and celebrates that we are a parish family at the Cathedral. In our Stewardship prayer, we ask God to strengthen us and move us to “give as we have received—abundantly, generously, and joyfully,” always bearing witness to God’s unfailing grace. If you have already made a pledge, thank you. If you would like to make a pledge, you can put it in the plate on Sunday, fill out a pledge form online, or send it when you can. Again, thank you.
I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving, especially those traveling or welcoming travelers to your home. May you be blessed by the love surrounding you, and may you reach out in love to bless others. Our Thanksgiving service will be Thursday morning at 10 a.m.
Please continue to pray for one another, for those on our Cathedral prayer list, for our nation, and the world.

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