It’s time for another election! Our nation voted on Tuesday and now our Diocese will vote tomorrow as we elect a new Bishop. The 135th Convention of the Diocese of West Missouri begins today with our business session and a reception. Tomorrow we will have a Eucharist at 9 a.m., followed by the election. The clergy and lay delegates will elect one of the following: The Rev. Jimmy Abbott, The Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux, The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, or The Rev. Molly Payne-Hardin. An election happens when one of the candidates receives a majority of votes in both the clergy and lay orders. Please keep us all in your prayers as we meet together at the Cathedral.
Bishop Bruce will be with us next Sunday, November 17, at both morning services. She will lead a Q and A during formation hour at 9:15 in the Common Room. Evensong will be at 5 p.m. that Sunday, followed by a reception for Dr. Paul Meier, also in the Common Room, to wish him well as he leaves for Washington. Speaking of the Common Room, it looks absolutely great! Many thanks to Ken Stewart and the Renovation Committee for their work.
Here’s an update on our Stewardship campaign, Bless our Family, Formed in Faith. To date, we have received 36 Pledges totaling $140,596 toward our goal of $480,000. Our pledge ingathering will be November 24.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, in thanksgiving for all Veterans, for our nation, and the world.

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