In the last few weeks, I have announced the addition of members to the Cathedral staff, namely Lucas as Associate Organist and Clare as College, Youth, and Children’s Minister. Now, I am excited to share one more announcement, the addition of the Rev. W. James Yazell (pronounced yay’-zel) as Associate Priest! Fr. James will begin in the office the week after Thanksgiving and his first Sunday with us will be December 3. Fr. James and his wife, Kelsey, will be moving here from Shreveport, Louisiana, where James has been the rector of St. James Episcopal Church. This is a homecoming for them as they both grew up in Lee’s Summit. James attended UMKC and the School of Theology in Sewanee where he was sponsored by St. Paul’s, Lee’s Summit. I am excited to welcome them both and look forward to sharing in ministry with James.

Barbara and I enjoyed our time at the clergy retreat at Conception Abbey. In addition to our time for rest, reflection, and prayer, we heard updates regarding the Bishop Search process and the upcoming General Convention in Louisville. A search committee has just been chosen to begin their work writing the profile for the Diocese and finding candidates for our next Bishop. Applications for Bishop will begin being received in March of 2024 with the election scheduled to take place at our Convention in November ’24.
This Sunday we will have a service of healing at both the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. The 5 p.m. service will be Choral Evensong followed by communion from the Reserved Sacrament in the chapel.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world. We especially remember all the people affected by war in Israel and Gaza as we continue to pray for peace.

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