I have some exciting news to share. It is my pleasure to announce that our own Clare Stern-Burbano, who has been our interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator, will now permanently fill the position and become the College, Youth, and Children’s Minister at the Cathedral. I, along with all members of the Children’s Ministry Coordinator Committee, am excited to officially welcome Clare to the position. I know she will share the same enthusiasm and joy with the children as she does with the youth and college students. Congratulations, Clare!
In other news, the Vestry met last Thursday, September 28, and took action to adopt our Cathedral Strategic Plan for 2024–2026. This plan will take effect on January 1 and will be presented in full to the Cathedral at our Annual Meeting. Thank you to the Strategic Planning Committee and its chair, Mark Galus, our Consultant, Thomas Vansaghi, and all who filled out surveys or participated in focus groups to help make this happen. I’m excited to be able to share it with all of you soon.
Deacon Barbara and I will be out the first part of this week for the Diocesan Clergy Retreat at Conception Abbey in Conception, MO. We always meet for a few days this time of year for rest, reflection, and prayer. The Wednesday Eucharist on the 11th will be celebrated by the Rev. Darrel Proffitt. Please keep all the clergy of the diocese in your prayers as we gather together next week.
Tomorrow is our annual Blessing of the Animals at 11 a.m. on the north lawn. I’ll see you and all your pets for this great event. Also, my Discussions with the Dean class continues on Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the Common Room.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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