From the Desk of Dean Andy • 083024

I am excited to announce that after almost two years of meeting, discussing, and planning, the final phase of the renovation of the Common Room is finally going to happen. Earlier this summer the Vestry approved the final plans for the renovation and asked the Finance Committee to explore funding options. The Finance Committee met on August 20 and identified funding sources that would cover the cost of the renovation. These sources do not affect the operating budget or the part of the endowment from which we take our 4% draw. The Vestry then met on August 22 and approved these funding sources, giving the go ahead to begin the renovation. Work will now begin the week of September 23 and is expected to take three to four weeks to complete. When done, the Common Room will be an updated and refreshed space on campus to continue to hold meetings, small receptions, and so much more. This renovation also fits into our Strategic Plan to explore innovations to our campus for current and future needs. Many thanks to the Common Room Renovation Committee for their work and commitment to seeing this project through. Thanks, as well, to Ken Stewart for submitting contracting bids and overseeing the design for the room. I hope you will join me in giving thanks to them, and to all who helped make this vision a reality.

As we move into this Labor Day weekend, I remind you that this is the last weekend before all fall activities begin again at the Cathedral on September 8. This includes our Ministry Fair and all formation classes. Don’t forget to sign up for our annual Cathedral Cup Croquet Tournament, Croquet by the Bay, on September 14.

It is shaping up to be an exciting September at the Cathedral and I am looking forward to sharing in it with all of you.

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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