From the Desk of Dean Andy • 080924

My family and I had a good vacation; thank you to all who helped keep everything running while I was away. Now, it’s hard to believe we’re well into August, a time when we try to enjoy the last days of summer break, prepare for a new school year, or just continue our daily routine as we always have and hope the temperatures begin to cool down soon (which they have, a bit). It has always felt like a time to get ready for something new, whether it’s school, fall programming, or just feeling like everything gets back to normal again. It can be a busy time, for sure, but also exciting as we anticipate what the fall will bring.

Before we look ahead, however, there is still a lot happening now. Our final Parish Breakfast will be this Sunday, August 11, at 9 a.m. in Founders’ Hall. I hope you’ll plan to join us as we gather between both morning services. Also this Sunday, our Summer Music Series continues at 2 p.m. in the Nave with Music for Cello and Piano featuring Matthew Beckmann and Sean Chen. You’ll find more information on these events, and all events, in this email, on our website, or in the Sunday Bulletin.

Looking ahead, we will have a fall planting garden day following the 10:30 service on Sunday, Aug. 25, our Ministry Fair and blessing of backpacks on Sunday, Sept. 8, and the Cathedral Cup “Croquet By the Bay” tournament on Saturday, Sept. 14. As you can see, we have a lot to look forward to and get excited about, and August is just the beginning. It’s good to be back.

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.

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