From the Desk of Dean Andy • 071224

I walked into a retail store last Friday, July 5, and the shelves that were just recently filled with must-have summer items and decorations were, shockingly, bare. They were completely empty. My only guess was that since the 4th had come and gone, summer was, in their minds, over, and it was time to move on to the next season. I haven’t been back in that store since a week ago, but I would bet those shelves are loaded with back-to-school items and all décor looks more like fall than summer. Summer is only three weeks old; it literally has just begun! I’m about to go on vacation with my family, so I’d like to hang on to summer while I can and not move on to fall too soon. I realize meteorological summer and astronomical summer aren’t the same. The rhythms and schedules of our lives tend to follow meteorological summer (the months of June, July, and August) while our calendar follows astronomical summer (late June to late September). Either way, whichever calendar or schedule you follow, it’s still hot.

Speaking of calendars, don’t forget the upcoming Ordinations at the Cathedral. Next Saturday, July 20, at 10 a.m., Katherine Louise Mansfield and Silas Engstrom will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests. Thank you to all who have helped plan for this service and reception.

As I mentioned earlier, I will be taking some time away for travel with my family. I will be with you this Sunday, July 14, and will be away the next two Sundays. Fr. James and Deacon Barbara will be here and will be available for any pastoral needs.

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.

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