From the Desk of Dean Andy • 03.21.25

Happy second day of spring! Well, happy second day of astronomical spring, that is. Meteorological spring began March 1. Growing up, I never knew there was a difference between astronomical and meteorological seasons. Seasons started on the equinox or solstice (astronomical), even though we thought of them starting on the first day of the month they occurred (meteorological). Whether we understand it or not, we know the date of the vernal equinox is important because it helps us determine when Easter falls. Since we just had a full moon last week, and the equinox was yesterday, Easter will fall on the Sunday after the next full moon. The moon is scheduled to be full again on April 13, making the following Sunday, April 20, Easter. That’s only four weeks and two days from now, so I better hurry up and finish putting the rest of my Christmas decorations away!

I’d like to share a couple snapshots this week to show where we are on YTD Budget and 2025 Stewardship.

Here are our finances through February 28, 2025:
MTD Budget $186,013; MTD Actual $228,695
YTD Budget $346,569; YTD Actual $365,187

MTD Budget $161,037; MTD Actual $133,095
YTD Budget $318,622; YTD Actual $317,526

Our 2025 Annual Giving Campaign goal is $455,000. As of March 20, 2025:

  • We have 91 pledges for a total of $411,890
  • There are 7 new pledges for a total of $13,820
  • There are 29 pledges not yet renewed from 2024 for a total of $65,235

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.
Dean Andy+