The Vestry, clergy, and I had a great retreat last week. We focused on parish growth, connecting new members to ministry and service, congregational development and vitality, and ways to strengthen our connections with one another and the community at large. Part of our conversation was about forming effective committees that help accomplish all this. We created some new committees and retooled existing committees. Remember, committees are open to all members of the Cathedral, not just vestry or people picked by the vestry. We need all of you to make our parish what it is, and I invite you to reach out to the following vestry or clergy if you would like to serve on a particular committee.
- Buildings and Grounds: Nigel Jones, Charles Shipley, Steve King, Mathias Nichols
- Finance: Steve Moore, Nigel Jones, Bill Boyd, Paget Higgins
- Social Action and Outreach: Colin Chambers, Christine Morrison, Deacon Barbara, Deacon CJ
- Social Events: Julie Brogno, Colin Chambers, Pat Decker
- Newcomers: Julie Brogno, Steve King, Fr. James
- Children and Youth: Blain Lagergren, Mathias Nichols
- Stewardship: Steve Moore, Blain Lagergren, Mathias Nichols
- Community Engagement: Christine Morrison, Deacon Barbara, Deacon CJ
- Budget: Bill Boyd, Steve Moore, Nigel Jones, Pat Decker
In other Vestry news, we have a new member, Paget Higgins. Paget was appointed by the Vestry to fulfill the term of Sara Copeland who resigned from the Vestry in January. We are grateful to Sara for her work with the Vestry, especially on the Budget Committee, and thank her for her service.
Thank you, as well, to everyone who took the time to fill out and return the Worship survey. We had some great suggestions and ideas that I will be discussing with clergy and staff in the coming weeks, and which I will then share with all of you. The survey dealt mostly with our three Sunday services at 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 5 p.m., but please remember all the other services we offer throughout the week:
- Morning Prayer, Monday-Thursday, 9 am, live in the chapel and online
- Noonday Prayer, Wednesday, 12 noon, online
- Holy Eucharist, Wednesday, 12:05 pm, live in the chapel.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.