Our current Green Season is coming to a close, that is, the season of Epiphany. We will wear it this Sunday, the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, but this time we can’t be accused of supporting a certain football team who also happens to be green. It is the color of the season, however, and that’s what we’ll wear one last time before we switch to purple for Lent. Last year, we had some fun switching to red vestments mid-service to support another football team that, like us, speaks of the Kingdom. Well, the problem with that is more than one team wears red. We’ll just stick with the green this year, but you may find other signs of our support. All that said, it is Last Epiphany, where we will hear the stories of Elijah being taken up in a chariot of fire and Jesus climbing the mountain to be transfigured before his disciples. At the 10:30 service the children will help me bury the Alleluia, another indicator we are about to enter Lent. This Sunday is also our Shrove Sunday pancake coffee hours after both the 8 and 10:30 services. Then, it’s on to Lent.
Lent begins with our services of Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday, February 14. Should a certain event on Sunday evening favor our great city, our observance of Ash Wednesday will coincide with a parade. We will still offer services at 7 a.m., 12:05 p.m., and 7 p.m. Parking in our lot will be reserved for attending services only. In addition to joining us on Ash Wednesday, please plan to join in our Mardi Gras Jambalaya dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. in Haden Hall. Sign-up is available here. There is a lot happening as we prepare to close one season, Epiphany, and begin another, Lent. In between, let’s hope the Kingdom finds cause for great celebration.
Please continue to pray for one another, our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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