Another EPN Conference has come and gone. We had a great few days here in Kansas City and a wonderful closing Eucharist last night at the Cathedral. Our theme this year was “Together in Hope: Leading with Purpose,” and we had many workshops and speakers talking about cultivating leaders in the church, growing our congregations, and sharing Christ’s message of hope with the world. Apart from attending the conference, we were also one of the host parishes. Thank you to all of you who helped make last night’s service and reception go so well. I am very grateful, as are the hundreds of EPN attendees who joined us in worship and fellowship. Watch it online here
Now, it’s time to put your dancing shoes on and get ready to eat some pancakes.
- The first celebration for Bishop Diane’s ministry with us will be the Motown Dance Party tomorrow night from 6-9 p.m. in Founders’ Hall. You can register online for free.
- Sunday, the Last Sunday after Epiphany, will be our Shrove Sunday pancake breakfast after both morning services. Also, on Sunday, we will “bury” the Alleluias as we prepare for Lent on Wednesday.
- Our Mardi Gras Jambalaya Dinner is Tuesday at 6 p.m., and our services for Ash Wednesday will be at 7 a.m., 12:05 p.m., and 7 p.m.
I look forward to being with you at all these events, and throughout our Lenten time in the wilderness.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.