What famed resident of Pennsylvania predicts seasonal outcomes? If you guessed Punxsutawney Phil, you’re correct. If you guessed someone with a prediction of another outcome involving people from Pennsylvania, you’ll have to wait until Sunday evening to find out.
If you just like answering questions, you’re in luck. Our Cathedral Trivia night is tonight at 6 p.m. in the Common Room. Bring snacks and your brain power as we will form teams and see who can correctly answer the most trivia questions.
Back to Phil for a moment. It looks like the world’s best weather advisor has predicted six more weeks of winter which, if you go by the official date of when the vernal equinox will happen, seems about right. Actually, Phil’s official proclamation was last Sunday, so I guess that means it’s closer to five more weeks now. I’d rather not think about winter when there are better things to think about, such as the Kingdom. Yes, the Kingdom has been on my mind a lot, lately. Not just because of certain events that may or may not happen on any given Sunday, or Saturday if it’s in January, but more than that. The Kingdom includes all people at all times, reaching out to one another in love, and caring for one another when we are in need.
We celebrate the Kingdom every time we gather together as a community to worship, pray, learn, serve, or break bread. We celebrate the Kingdom when we gather to remember loved ones and celebrate their lives and ministries such as we will do tomorrow at the service for Barbara O’Hearne (2 p.m.). We celebrate the Kingdom when we give of our time and resources to help others such as those affected by the recent fires in Southern California, those affected by gun violence or war, or those who face oppression of any kind. We celebrate the Kingdom when we take the time to listen to one another, respect one another, even when our opinions may differ, and see one another as children of God. There are many reasons to celebrate the Kingdom, today, tomorrow, and especially on Sunday.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, the world, and the Kingdom.