Happy New Year, it looks like it might be a white Christmas after all! Saturday and Sunday, the 11th and 12th days of Christmas, look like they might bring a lot of snow and ice. News outlets are urging caution for any kind of travel from Saturday evening through Sunday night. There is a strong chance we will cancel in person services this Sunday so our parish family can stay home and remain safe. I am meeting with the Executive Committee this afternoon to gather all information and make a decision. Please check the website for the latest information and news about services on Sunday. I am guessing we’ll have a final answer no later than 6 p.m. this evening. Also, please feel free to call or email those who might not be able to check the website for information. I don’t want anyone to not know of our decision. If we do cancel in person services, we will most likely do a service through Facebook live. We’ll have that information available as well.
Please do all you can to stay safe during this winter storm. If there is someone you know who could use help preparing for the storm, please help in any way you can. Also, continue to pray for all those who died or were injured in New Orleans on New Year’s Day, and those who were affected by gun violence in Queens, NY. I will pray for all of you in this New Year, for the gift of serving you at the Cathedral, and for the health and happiness of us all. I ask your prayers for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.

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