It’s that time of year again and, no, I don’t mean watching the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game (though that is nice), but rather time for the Annual Meeting. It’s the one time per year we gather as a body to hear what we have done over the past year and look forward to what we are called to do in the year to come. It is always nice to hear where we’ve been and where we hope to go. Notice I said what we are called to do. We’ve been hearing about our various callings during this season of Epiphany and will continue to hear stories of calling in the weeks to come. We, too, are called as a Cathedral parish to do the will of Christ in this place and beyond. It is exciting to see where that might lead us. You will hear my Dean’s report at the sermon time during our one service only at 10:30 a.m. I try my best to recap the year and lay out hopes, wishes, and goals for the year to come.
Another part of the Annual Meeting will be to read reports from all of our ministries at the Cathedral to get an overall picture of what we are able to accomplish, and have accomplished, together. Because all reports are in written form, we will not present each one. We will present the budget because I believe it is important to take the time to explain how we are being good stewards of all that has been given to us. Another report will be an update on where we are in our Strategic Plan. We will also elect four members of the Cathedral to the Vestry for a three-year term. This year we have four new people standing for election: Colin Chambers, Bill Boyd, Christine Morrison, and Steve King (read bios here). I’m excited about the prospect of these members joining in the work of the Vestry and working with me to help strengthen all we do at the Cathedral. Thank you, very much, to those who are rolling off of the Vestry this year: Sharon Cheers, Michael Thomas, Valerie Johnson, and Paula Livingston-Lewis. I have enjoyed working with all of you and look forward to your continued involvement in the life of the Cathedral. Immediately following the Annual Meeting, I will meet with the newly elected Vestry members and current members to elect new officers.
Tomorrow we will gather at the Cathedral at 10 a.m. for diocesan ordinations. Jennifer Lynn Blevins, Christopher James (CJ) Duffie, and Keith Nathaniel Johnson Jr. will be ordained as deacons. CJ will also be joining us at the Cathedral for his transitional diaconate training for the next six months. Welcome, CJ!
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for the nation, and the world.