- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 03.21.25Happy second day of spring! Well, happy second day of astronomical spring, that is. Meteorological spring began March 1. Growing up, I never knew there was a difference between astronomical and meteorological seasons. Seasons started on the equinox or solstice (astronomical), even though we thought of them starting on the first day of the month they occurred (meteorological). Whether we understand it or not, we know the date of the vernal equinox is important because it helps us determine when Easter falls. Since we just had a full moon last week, and the equinox was yesterday, Easter will fall on…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 03.14.25The Vestry, clergy, and I had a great retreat last week. We focused on parish growth, connecting new members to ministry and service, congregational development and vitality, and ways to strengthen our connections with one another and the community at large. Part of our conversation was about forming effective committees that help accomplish all this. We created some new committees and retooled existing committees. Remember, committees are open to all members of the Cathedral, not just vestry or people picked by the vestry. We need all of you to make our parish what it is, and I invite you to…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 03.07.25This past Wednesday we were invited to begin our observance of a holy Lent. Some of the ways we are invited to do this is through self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, self-denial, and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. How you do these things is up to you and is most likely different for each one of us. Two opportunities we are offering include Fr. James’ Sunday morning formation class on The Path, and my Wednesday evening class on Praying the Lenten Gospels. Lent is also a time when you will notice a few changes to our Sunday services….
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 02.28.25Another EPN Conference has come and gone. We had a great few days here in Kansas City and a wonderful closing Eucharist last night at the Cathedral. Our theme this year was “Together in Hope: Leading with Purpose,” and we had many workshops and speakers talking about cultivating leaders in the church, growing our congregations, and sharing Christ’s message of hope with the world. Apart from attending the conference, we were also one of the host parishes. Thank you to all of you who helped make last night’s service and reception go so well. I am very grateful, as are…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 02.21.25We are about to have a lot of Episcopalians in Kansas City as the Episcopal Parish Network (EPN) Conference is coming to town next week. The conference, formerly known as the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes (CEEP), will be held at the Westin Crown Center on Tuesday, February 25 through Friday, February 28. We are a host parish, along with St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s. Before we begin the conference, we have an exciting diocesan workshop taking place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow at the Cathedral. Titled “Getting from Here to There: Congregational Development for Congregational Vitality.” The…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 02.14.25We were told we would have six more weeks of winter and it sure seems like that is what we’re getting. Snow or not, our February activities continue to move on with our diocesan celebration of Absalom Jones this weekend starting with a fundraising lunch and panel discussion tomorrow at 11 a.m. Our special guest is The Rev. Dr. Gayle Fisher-Stewart. There will also be a special Evensong for Absalom Jones on Sunday at 4 p.m. at St. Augustine’s. We will have our own Choral Evensong this Sunday at 5, followed by an organ recital and reception. Our guest organist will be Elisa Williams…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 02.07.25What famed resident of Pennsylvania predicts seasonal outcomes? If you guessed Punxsutawney Phil, you’re correct. If you guessed someone with a prediction of another outcome involving people from Pennsylvania, you’ll have to wait until Sunday evening to find out. If you just like answering questions, you’re in luck. Our Cathedral Trivia night is tonight at 6 p.m. in the Common Room. Bring snacks and your brain power as we will form teams and see who can correctly answer the most trivia questions. Back to Phil for a moment. It looks like the world’s best weather advisor has predicted six more…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 01.31.25Thank you to all who came to the Annual Meeting and helped to elect four members to the Vestry. Congratulations to new vestry members Steve King, Christine Morrison, Colin Chambers, and Bill Boyd. I am looking forward to working with all of you. At our brief meeting after the Annual Meeting, the Vestry elected Nigel Jones as Junior Warden, Blain Lagergren as Clerk of the Vestry, and Chip Buckner as Treasurer (non-Vestry member). I also reappointed Steve Moore as Senior Warden. Thank you to all of you for your willingness to serve. We have set our Vestry retreat for March…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 01.24.25It’s that time of year again and, no, I don’t mean watching the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game (though that is nice), but rather time for the Annual Meeting. It’s the one time per year we gather as a body to hear what we have done over the past year and look forward to what we are called to do in the year to come. It is always nice to hear where we’ve been and where we hope to go. Notice I said what we are called to do. We’ve been hearing about our various callings during this season…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 01.17.25Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery, and made them free at last: Grant that your church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may strive to secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Lesser Feasts and Fasts, p. 171) Last week you heard me say in my sermon that we need to be the…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 01.10.25When is a budget not about money? When it becomes about the people who have to live within its limits. Last month the vestry approved the 2025 operating budget for the Cathedral, but it came with a cost. The Budget Committee spent several months working with all categories of the budget: revenues and expenses, salaries, outreach, ministry requests, etc. What became clear very early on was that expenses were outweighing revenue, and we needed to make some tough decisions. I am grateful for the work of the Budget Committee and for the hard, but necessary, conversations we had. In the…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 010325Happy New Year, it looks like it might be a white Christmas after all! Saturday and Sunday, the 11th and 12th days of Christmas, look like they might bring a lot of snow and ice. News outlets are urging caution for any kind of travel from Saturday evening through Sunday night. There is a strong chance we will cancel in person services this Sunday so our parish family can stay home and remain safe. I am meeting with the Executive Committee this afternoon to gather all information and make a decision. Please check the website for the latest information and…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 122724For posts not listed here, visit our From the Dean Archive page.
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 122024Christmas is coming … Only five more days until Christmas, which really means, only four more shopping days until Christmas. We know Advent is a time of preparation, but it never seems long enough to me! Ready or not, Christmas still comes. I know we’ll be ready in the Cathedral come Christmas Eve. Our decorations have grown over the course of this Advent and will almost be complete this Sunday but won’t fully be complete until Christmas. I hope you will join us for one, or more, of our Christmas services this year. Tuesday, Christmas Eve, we have two services:…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 121324This Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, is also known as Gaudete Sunday, a name dating back to the Roman Catholic calendar of the church year. The name, which means “rejoice,” comes from the first words of the Latin introit antiphon “Rejoice in the Lord always.” We will hear that word a lot this Sunday as the Old Testament reading from Zephaniah uses it many times and Paul’s epistle to the Philippians is the text of the old Latin introit antiphon. Originally, this day was meant to be a lighter day of joy in the midst of a penitent season….
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 120624Happy St. Nicholas Day! Today marks the Feast of Nicholas of Myra (present-day Demre in southwest Turkey), a fourth-century bishop. It is believed he was one of the bishops attending the Council of Nicaea in 325. He is known as the patron saint of seafarers, sailors, and children. Tradition holds that Nicholas had a habit of secret gift-giving to those in need. The Nativity Puppets return to the Cathedral tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday for their 25th year. Tickets are available HERE. On Monday at 11:30 a.m. the choir of William Jewell College presents City Come Again at the Cathedral. Next…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 112924I hope everyone had a joyous Thanksgiving celebration. Now we set our sights on Advent and the many activities we have coming up at the Cathedral as we prepare, once again, to welcome the Christ Child this Christmas. First up is our Advent Decorating day tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 a.m. Next is the Nativity Puppets in the Nave December 6 at 7 p.m., December 7 at 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., and December 8 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available HERE. Come see the story of the Nativity brought to life in this long-standing tradition at the Cathedral with puppets…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 112224Thanksgiving is upon us, but there are a few things coming up before we can focus on the one day a year specifically set aside for giving thanks as a nation. This Sunday is our Pledge Ingathering where we will bless all the pledges for next year that have come in so far. Our 2025 Stewardship theme is “Bless Our Family, Formed in Faith,” and celebrates that we are a parish family at the Cathedral. In our Stewardship prayer, we ask God to strengthen us and move us to “give as we have received—abundantly, generously, and joyfully,” always bearing witness…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 111524What a wonderful Diocesan Convention it was this past weekend. Friday saw the business of the Diocese conducted as we elected new members of the Standing Committee and Diocesan Council, passed the 2025 budget as well as other resolutions, and had a reception to end the evening. On Saturday, following the Eucharist, we elected the IXth Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri. Elected on the first ballot was the Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux, Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock, AR, and now our bishop-elect! Many thanks to the Cathedral staff and Diocesan staff for their work in…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 110824It’s time for another election! Our nation voted on Tuesday and now our Diocese will vote tomorrow as we elect a new Bishop. The 135th Convention of the Diocese of West Missouri begins today with our business session and a reception. Tomorrow we will have a Eucharist at 9 a.m., followed by the election. The clergy and lay delegates will elect one of the following: The Rev. Jimmy Abbott, The Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux, The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, or The Rev. Molly Payne-Hardin. An election happens when one of the candidates receives a majority of votes in both…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 110624November 6, 2024 Dear Cathedral Family, I feel like we could all use a little reassurance today, so I want to reassure you that the love of Christ is with you today, just as it has been with you every day. I am with you as well, ready to love you and support you always. On Sunday, I asked you to be kind to everyone while going out to vote in yesterday’s election. Politics shouldn’t change how we treat one another. Today, I ask you to do the same—be kind to everyone. Whether you are pleased with the outcome of…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 110124Today is All Saints’ Day. One of the seven principal feasts of the church year, it commemorates all saints, known and unknown. It is believed this commemoration began in Ireland, moved to England, and then spread to the European continent eventually reaching Rome where it was added to the church calendar. In addition to celebrating the feast on its day, it can also be observed on the Sunday following, which we will do this Sunday. In preparation for our All Saints’ celebration and other upcoming celebrations such as Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas, the Altar Guild will be holding a workday…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 102524As I drive around the city, or travel anywhere at this time of year, it is clear by the decorations that fall is in full swing. And, yes, there are plenty of Halloween specific decorations, but more than that I see emblems and colors representing harvest time. Harvest is all about gathering in something, whether that’s the fruits of the field, family coming home for the holidays, or our giving back to God from the fruits of our labors in stewardship. It is a time for giving thanks and for appreciating all the blessings of our lives. We will gather…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 101824Today is the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. St. Luke was a companion of St. Paul the writer of the Gospel bearing his name and its sequel, the Acts of the Apostles. He was also believed to be a physician which is why we will have a healing rite at both morning services this Sunday. Luke’s gospel gives us the familiar narratives of the Annunciation to Mary, the Visitation with Elizabeth, the birth of John the Baptist, and Jesus born in the manger. Early tradition holds that Luke wrote his gospel in Greece and died in Boeotia, a regional…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 101124Once again, we are asking prayers for those affected by another hurricane in the southeast. Hurricane Milton struck Wednesday night from Florida’s Gulf Coast to the East Coast, spawning a series of tornadoes along the way. This, of course, following directly on the heels of Hurricane Helene which affected areas of many states including Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Relief efforts that were already underway will certainly continue. Please go to Episcopal Relief and Development’s website to see ways you can donate and help. In the weeks to come, I will see what other ways we can help and share…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 100424Most High, omnipotent, good Lord, To thee be ceaseless praise outpoured, And blessing without measure. Let creatures all give thanks to thee and serve in great humility. These words were written by St. Francis of Assisi in his “Canticle of the Sun.” We celebrate his feast day today and, tomorrow, will have our annual Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis because of his devotion to all of God’s creatures. Feel free to bring as many pets and animals as you like to our north lawn at 11 a.m. Sunday afternoon will be our annual Hymn Sing. It’s…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 092724As you read this, I will be on my way home from Omaha, Nebraska, where I just had a two-day planning session for the next North American Cathedral Deans Conference. It will take place May 8-11, 2025, in Omaha. Trinity Cathedral will be the physical host, but the planning duties are being shared by six regional Deans/Cathedrals: Trinity Cathedral in Omaha, Grace Cathedral in Topeka, Christ Church Cathedral in Salina, GHTC in Kansas City, St. Paul’s Cathedral in Des Moines, and St. Mark’s Pro-Cathedral in Hastings, NE. I am glad to join with my fellow Deans to welcome all North…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 092024Many thanks to all who came last night to meet and listen to our four nominees for IX Bishop of West Missouri. It was a great turnout, and I appreciate everyone’s interest in getting to know the nominees better. The Q&A session was livestreamed in the Nave and is available on our YouTube channel for anyone to view. Please check it out if you were unable to be with us last night. There is one more session tonight at Church of the Redeemer in Parkville. While I’m saying thank you, I’d like to also thank everyone who came to our…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 091324It looks like we’ll have a nice day for our annual Cathedral Cup Croquet tournament tomorrow starting at noon on the North lawn. This year’s theme is “Croquet by the Bay” and will be great fun as we come together for some friendly competition and fellowship. If you didn’t sign up to play, feel free to come and enjoy the day as a spectator. All are welcome to cheer the teams on and join in the fun. Not only is tomorrow the tournament day, but it is also the Feast of the Holy Cross, a day in which we commemorate…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 090624I’m excited about all we have coming up starting this Sunday, September 8, with our back-to-school blessing, formation classes, and Ministry Fair. Also this Sunday, you’ll notice some changes in the service as we do a seasonal shift for the remainder of Pentecost. We’ll change the service music as well as switch to Eucharistic Prayer A. Our Prayers of the People will also change. For the rest of this season, we will take the prayers from a new resource called Hear Our Prayer: Prayers of the People for the Revised Common Lectionary. Published this year by Church Publishing, these prayers…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 083024I am excited to announce that after almost two years of meeting, discussing, and planning, the final phase of the renovation of the Common Room is finally going to happen. Earlier this summer the Vestry approved the final plans for the renovation and asked the Finance Committee to explore funding options. The Finance Committee met on August 20 and identified funding sources that would cover the cost of the renovation. These sources do not affect the operating budget or the part of the endowment from which we take our 4% draw. The Vestry then met on August 22 and approved…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 082324Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Bartholomew. This is probably one of the lesser known Apostles, but there are many Episcopal churches that bear his name. Nothing is really said of him in scripture apart from his being named one of the twelve Apostles in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. “His name means ‘Son of Tolmai,’ and he is sometimes identified with Nathanael, the friend of Philip, the ‘Israelite without guile’ in John’s Gospel, to whom Jesus promised the vision of angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (Lesser Feasts and Fasts, p. 364) Even though we don’t know…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 081624The cooler weather was nice while it lasted. I enjoyed getting a taste of fall this early in August. I fired up our outdoor firepit last weekend which was very nice. I don’t think I’ll get to do that again for a bit, but we’ll see. We’ll settle into fall soon, I’m sure, and the firepit will be back in business. We have two funerals coming up this Saturday at the Cathedral, a celebration of life on Sunday morning, and the continuation of our Summer Music Series on Sunday afternoon. Saturday, at 10 a.m., will be the funeral for Pat…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 080924My family and I had a good vacation; thank you to all who helped keep everything running while I was away. Now, it’s hard to believe we’re well into August, a time when we try to enjoy the last days of summer break, prepare for a new school year, or just continue our daily routine as we always have and hope the temperatures begin to cool down soon (which they have, a bit). It has always felt like a time to get ready for something new, whether it’s school, fall programming, or just feeling like everything gets back to normal…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 071224I walked into a retail store last Friday, July 5, and the shelves that were just recently filled with must-have summer items and decorations were, shockingly, bare. They were completely empty. My only guess was that since the 4th had come and gone, summer was, in their minds, over, and it was time to move on to the next season. I haven’t been back in that store since a week ago, but I would bet those shelves are loaded with back-to-school items and all décor looks more like fall than summer. Summer is only three weeks old; it literally has…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 070524I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July celebration. Perhaps, since it was yesterday, you are still celebrating. I preached a sermon many years ago on the history of what we call Independence Day. Here are a few interesting items I discovered in my research (mostly from the National Archives). The Second Continental Congress actually approved the Lee Resolution for Independence on July 2, 1776. This resolution had been put forth by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia on June 7 of that year and contained three parts: a declaration of independence, a call to form foreign alliances,…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 062824The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church comes to an end today after a busy week of worship, resolutions, and conversations. I will make available a summary of all actions of the Convention once it has been assembled. As I mentioned last week, the election of the 28th Presiding Bishop was held on Wednesday. The House of Bishops elected, and the House of Deputies confirmed, The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe as the Presiding Bishop elect. Bishop Rowe is currently the Bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania and the Bishop Provisional of Western New York. Bishop Rowe will resign as bishop of…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 062124The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church begins this Sunday and runs through Friday, June 28, in Louisville, Kentucky. One of the many actions that will take place includes the election of the 28th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church. This election will take place on Wednesday, June 26, as the House of Bishops will meet at Christ Church Cathedral to elect one of the five nominees. The House of Deputies will then certify the election. The new Presiding Bishop will begin their 9-year term on November 1, 2024. You can read more about the nominees at…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 061424Happy Flag Day! This day commemorates the adoption of the U.S. flag on June 14, 1777. Later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day. In 1949, on August 3, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Our own Episcopal Flag was adopted on October 16, 1940, by the House of Bishops and House of Deputies at the 53rd General Convention held right here in Kansas City! The Episcopal Flag, like the U.S. flag, is red, white, and blue, and represents the American arm of the Anglican Communion. Other symbolism…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 060724Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day when Allied forces landed on the beach in Normandy and began the liberation of Europe on June 6, 1944. It was a day to give thanks for all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to turn the tide of WWII. The Book of Common Prayer includes a Thanksgiving for Heroic Service: O Judge of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant that we may not rest until all the…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 053124I’m sure everyone is aware of this, but today is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This day commemorates Mary’s visit to her kinswoman Elizabeth who was roughly eight months pregnant at the time. We’re told that when Mary greeted her, Elizabeth’s child (John the Baptist, forerunner of the Messiah) leaped in her womb and she proclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Mary’s response is a song of praise and thanksgiving that we know as the Magnificat, which begins “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord…” We…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 052424As we prepare to celebrate our second Feast Day, Trinity Sunday, I am reminded that it also comes at the same time we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day on Monday. Trinity Sunday celebrates “the one and equal glory” of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “in Trinity of Persons and in Unity of Being” (BCP p. 380), and Memorial Day celebrates all those who gave their lives in the service of our country, and whose spirits now rest in the light and presence of the Almighty. Our prayer book commemorates those who gave their lives in a prayer found in the…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 051724It’s Picnic Time! Our Parish Picnic will follow the 10:30 service this week on our first Feast Day, Pentecost. We will provide burgers and hot dogs and ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to share. Dress is casual and we will have fun activities for all ages. We always need volunteers for grilling, set-up, or clean-up. It’s nice that this falls a little earlier this year so perhaps it won’t be so hot outside. You may sign up here tinyurl.com/GHTCPicnic2024 or contact Holly Campbell. I’m looking forward to a fun time! Thanks in advance to Holly, Julie,…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 051024“Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end of the ages; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen” (BCP p. 226) This is one of the two Collects appointed for Ascension Day, one of the seven Principal Feasts of the Church. Ascension Day always falls on the Thursday between the 6th and…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 050324I’m looking forward to Youth Sunday at our 10:30 a.m. service this week. We will celebrate all the young people at our Cathedral and, especially, all those who will be graduating from any school this year (young and young at heart alike!). Thank you to Clare and to all who will participate in the service. You may notice a couple of different things at the service this year. First, all youth and clergy will be in matching Youth Sunday T-shirts, something we haven’t done for a while. The bulletin cover will match the shirts. Second, we will be using a…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 042624I had a great trip to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for the Deans Conference, but it is always nice to come home. It was good to be with so many Deans and spouses/partners from across the US and Canada who share the same passion for serving Christ from their Cathedrals and, not only that, serving the communities and dioceses in which they are located. You will hear more about what I learned this Sunday as it fits nicely with our readings. Next year we had hoped to be in Jerusalem for a week but opted to postpone that trip to a…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 041224I hope everyone had the opportunity to see some portion of the solar eclipse this past Monday. I realize we were not in the path of totality, but it was still fascinating to me to look through my special glasses and see at least a partial eclipse. I was at the Cathedral while it took place. While it didn’t get completely dark, the light definitely changed, and the offices grew darker during the eclipse. It was neat to be a part of this celestial event as we joined with others from Mexico, the US, and Canada to see what we…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 040524Alleluia, Christ is Risen! It was truly wonderful to be with all of you who came to worship during Holy Week and Easter. I cannot thank everyone enough for all your time and effort at making Holy Week and Easter a great success! Special thanks to the Altar Guild; to Paul, Lucas, and the choir; to our extra musicians (brass and cello); the Property Staff, Cathedral Staff, Janet and Ric, Livestream team, readers, ushers, acolytes, verger, Eucharistic Ministers, Easter Vigil/Easter reception team, and all other volunteers. For all who helped decorate, brought food, helped hide eggs, or whatever you did…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 032924We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.” (BCP, p. 281) This is one of the anthems recited during the Veneration of the Cross in our Good Friday liturgy. We are “halfway” through the Triduum (the three days leading up to Easter). Tomorrow we will celebrate the Holy Saturday liturgy at 9 a.m., decorate the Cathedral for Easter, and start the Great Vigil at 7 p.m. Bishop Diane will be with us for the Vigil where she will Confirm one adult and Receive one. It will be a great…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 032224Almighty God, we pray you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed, and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the cross; who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. This is the Prayer over the People for Palm Sunday, starting us on our long walk with Christ to the cross. It signifies our joining with Christ in that walk and asks that we might know God’s strength as we enter this Holy Week. We have a lot happening this coming week, and I hope…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 031524We are in the home stretch as Easter is almost here. This Sunday is the Fifth Sunday in Lent, and I feel like this day is kind of like the last Sunday in Lent for me. In the same way we have Last Pentecost and Last Epiphany, I feel like this should be Last Lent. Of course, it’s not, because Lent is not over until Easter, but it sure feels like it. Next week is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week and Jesus’ Passion. It is something wholly “other than” what we have been doing through Lent to this…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 030824Greetings from Houston! Julie, Dn. Barbara, Fr. James, Steve, and I have had three great days of meetings, seminars, and gatherings, with one more day to go. We conclude our time here tomorrow morning and most will head back to KC. I will be taking some time off in Sewanee and will be back for services on March 17. In addition to all we have been learning, one of the benefits of these gatherings is the connections we make with the other people attending. We quickly come to realize that we are not alone in what we are going through…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 030124If you enjoy watching the weather, then this was a great week for you! How do we go from a record high in the seventies to snow and ice—in the same day? Well, we did, and you all got a chance to experience it. This time of year can be a volatile time, weather-wise, but this seems more unusual than normal. Please remember in your prayers all those who experienced the most extreme conditions, heavy snow, tornadoes, and wildfires, and all who are responding to those in need. As we draw closer to the end of winter and start of…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 022324Here’s to a fulfilling, thought provoking, and not too miserable Lent! I looked back at what I wrote last year as we started Lent and realized there’s no good greeting that makes sense at this time. Happy, as I mentioned, doesn’t seem right, but woeful doesn’t seem right either. Perhaps Peaceful Lent works. Whether you are giving something up or taking something on during this season, I hope it brings you peace. It’s hard to know what others are going through in their lives at this time, let alone anytime, but we can always pray that they have peace. Peace…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 021624Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen (BCP p. 264) With this Collect for Ash Wednesday, the observance of a Holy Lent begins. Some of you were with us as we prayed this Collect,…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 020924Our current Green Season is coming to a close, that is, the season of Epiphany. We will wear it this Sunday, the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, but this time we can’t be accused of supporting a certain football team who also happens to be green. It is the color of the season, however, and that’s what we’ll wear one last time before we switch to purple for Lent. Last year, we had some fun switching to red vestments mid-service to support another football team that, like us, speaks of the Kingdom. Well, the problem with that is more than…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 020224Thank you to all who came to the Annual Meeting and helped to elect four members to the Vestry. Congratulations to new vestry members Steve Moore, Nigel Jones, and Charles Shipley, and to reelected member Pat Decker. I am looking forward to working with all of you. At our brief meeting after the Annual Meeting, the Vestry elected Valerie Johnson as Junior Warden, Blain Lagergren as Clerk of the Vestry, and Chip Buckner as Treasurer (non-Vestry member). I also appointed Steve Moore, former Chancellor, as Senior Warden. Thank you to all of you for your willingness to serve. We have…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 012624It’s that time of year again and, no, I don’t mean watching the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game (though that is nice), but rather time for the Annual Meeting. It’s the one time per year we gather as a body to hear what we have done over the past year and look forward to what we are called to do in the year to come. It is always nice to hear where we’ve been and where we hope to go. Notice I said what we are called to do. We’ve been hearing about our various callings during this season…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 011924O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace,…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 011224In the late summer we can easily tire of the phrase “hot enough for you,” but I believe we’ll be missing those days when we experience the brutal cold that is coming tomorrow and Sunday. “Cold enough for you” just won’t be enough to express how cold it is. Fortunately, we have the light of Epiphany to help keep us warm as we look for ways to share that light with others. Sharing that light is exactly what we’ll do when we come together tomorrow, January 13, for our Diocesan service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The service begins…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 010524Happy New Year and happy start to the Epiphany season! I hope everyone had a blessed and merry Christmas and a happy start to 2024. January is a busy month at the Cathedral as we have lots going on to start this new year. Tonight, January 5, will be our first Parish event with our Twelfth Night Chili and Soup Potluck and Game Night at 6 p.m. in Founders’ Hall. Come join with your Cathedral family to share chili or soup and play games. It is an evening for all ages. On Sunday, January 7, we will celebrate the Baptism of Jesus with…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 122923For posts not listed here, visit our From the Dean Archive page.
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 122223It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … this classic Christmas song was written by Meredith Willson in 1951 and first recorded by Bing Crosby. I’m sure most of us are familiar with it and, by this late in December, have heard it more times than we may have wanted … but, it is fitting for the Cathedral since we don’t fully decorate until Christmas. You heard me mention last Sunday that Advent is a time of preparation, and we reflect that in the Nave as we put up more decorations each week throughout Advent. Finally, come Christmas Eve,…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 121523The Collect for the third Sunday of Advent begins with the words “Stir up,” and calls us to move past our sins which only slow us down. We ask that God deliver us from these sins so that we might move more freely and with purpose to do the work we need to do in the Kingdom. Christ, whose coming we anticipate in this season, calls us to that work, so we must be able to tend to it without anything slowing us down. The full Collect reads: “Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 120823Our busy Advent season continues this weekend as we have many opportunities to come together for worship, service, and beautiful music. First is the Women of Grace luncheon tomorrow at 10:30 in Haden Hall. In addition to lunch, those present will be packing treat bags for the children at Crittenton. Later tomorrow, at 4 p.m., come join with professional soloists, members of the Kansas City Baroque Consortium, and a chorus of the rest of us for our Messiah Singalong. Bring your own score (Novello preferred) or purchase one at the Cathedral for $10. Saturday evening, at 5 p.m., will be a College and Young…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 120123I hope everyone had a joyous Thanksgiving celebration, snow and all. Now we set our sights on Advent and the many activities we have coming up at the Cathedral as we prepare, once again, to welcome the Christ Child this Christmas. First up is the Nativity Puppets in the Nave tonight at 7 p.m., tomorrow at 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are available here. Come see the story of the Nativity brought to life in this long-standing tradition at the Cathedral with puppets created specifically for our space. Next weekend will be the Women of Grace Lunch…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 112323For posts not listed here, visit our From the Dean Archive page.
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 111723Another Diocesan Convention has come and gone, and it was wonderful to be together with all of our siblings in Christ throughout West Missouri. We had a wonderful celebration of the Eucharist on Friday evening followed by a reception in Founders’ Hall. Saturday was filled with the business of the diocese where we adopted the 2024 budget and formally set all the rules and provisions for electing a new bishop. Now that the election process is adopted and in place, the search committee will meet in retreat this weekend with the Standing Committee, chairs of the Transition and Consecration Committees, and National Church…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 111023Do you feel like, at any moment, the sound of bagpipes will magically be heard? Maybe some drums, too? Well, at this time of year that wouldn’t surprise me and, if you show up at 8 or 10:30 a.m. this Sunday, that feeling will become a reality. It’s time again for Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan where we celebrate our connection to the Scottish Episcopal Church as they consecrated Samuel Seabury as the first Bishop in the Episcopal Church USA in 1784. Seabury’s feast day is November 14, so we try to have our Kirkin’ celebration on the Sunday closest to that day. We will have…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 110323As we approach All Saints’ Sunday this weekend, I hope everyone isn’t too full of candy from Halloween. The Feast of All Saints’ was this past Wednesday, November 1, but can also be celebrated on the Sunday after, which is typically done when the first doesn’t fall on Sunday. I celebrated the Eucharist on All Saints’ since it was a Wednesday, but will do so again this Sunday at all services. It is a Principal Feast of the Church year, so we will have our Verger, Glen, and incense at the 10:30 service. In preparation for our All Saints’ celebration…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 102723This is something fun I wrote several years ago about Halloween and the Church. I like to bring it back out from time to time. Long before there were ghouls, goblins, and witches out trick-or-treating on Halloween, there was a commemoration in the Church to give thanks for all saints in heaven and on earth. While the roots of this festival time come from pagan Celtic customs, the Church “adopted” these celebrations for Christian use. October 31 was known as the eve of Samhain and celebrated the beginning of winter and the first day of the new year. Due to the correspondence…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 102023The hills are alive … with the sound of the Lyric Opera of Kansas City and the Cathedral this Saturday from 10 a.m.–noon. Come join Community Conversations: Sing Most Anything and learn about the von Trapp family’s story of leading Austrian-inspired sing weeks, as well as a sing-along of favorites from The Sound of Music. Please RSVP at kccathedral.org/musicevents. This is just another exciting event happening at the Cathedral in October. It’s been a busy month so far, but still to come is our Costume Blessing and Fall Festival on October 29, as well as our month-long outreach Trick-or-Treat so Others Can Eat…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 101323In the last few weeks, I have announced the addition of members to the Cathedral staff, namely Lucas as Associate Organist and Clare as College, Youth, and Children’s Minister. Now, I am excited to share one more announcement, the addition of the Rev. W. James Yazell (pronounced yay’-zel) as Associate Priest! Fr. James will begin in the office the week after Thanksgiving and his first Sunday with us will be December 3. Fr. James and his wife, Kelsey, will be moving here from Shreveport, Louisiana, where James has been the rector of St. James Episcopal Church. This is a homecoming for them as they…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 100623I have some exciting news to share. It is my pleasure to announce that our own Clare Stern-Burbano, who has been our interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator, will now permanently fill the position and become the College, Youth, and Children’s Minister at the Cathedral. I, along with all members of the Children’s Ministry Coordinator Committee, am excited to officially welcome Clare to the position. I know she will share the same enthusiasm and joy with the children as she does with the youth and college students. Congratulations, Clare! In other news, the Vestry met last Thursday, September 28, and took action to adopt…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 092923Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals: Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (BCP p. 244) This is the Collect for the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels which is commemorated today, Sept. 29. Lesser Feasts and Fasts reminds us that “Of the many angels spoken of…
- From the Desk of the Senior Warden • September 22, 2023Recently Joan Bergstrom, the Cathedral’s Sacristan and Volunteer Coordinator, asked many of our volunteers for short quotes about why they volunteer. I pondered that question and the short answer I came up with was “I volunteer as a way to meet and get to know other Cathedral members.” However, the full answer to that question is so much more it is the same answer I give when asked why I pledge. It has to do with belonging. When I give of my time, talent, and treasure it is an outward and visible sign that I don’t just go to Grace…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 091523Calling all volunteers! I’m looking forward to our Ministry Fair this Sunday after both the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Please come see all the various ministry opportunities we have at the Cathedral, and feel free to sign up. We always need people on hand to help us reach our goals of serving both the people of the Cathedral and the community at large. There are opportunities in Formation, Music, Outreach, Hospitality, Worship, and many others. I hope you will take the time to see what all is happening and to feel free to ask questions. But, before the…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 090823I’m excited about all we have coming up starting this Sunday, September 10, with our back-to-school blessing, formation classes, and presentation from Bishop Spencer Place. As I mentioned last week, I’m doing a seasonal shift this Sunday by switching our service music, using a different form of the Prayers of the People, and using Eucharistic Prayer A. Our next shift will be at the start of Advent. Also this Sunday, we will offer communion wine from the common cup. This is optional as we will still have a separate chalice for intinction if you prefer. At the 8 a.m. service we will have two…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 090123There’s an old saying that says “everything old is new again.” We see this all the time in fashion, music, and advertising, just to name a few. Retro uniforms/helmets in sports are another instance where the old becomes new. I bring this up because starting September 10 we will be bringing an “old” tradition back to the Cathedral—receiving wine from the common cup. With the exception of recent diocesan services, we have not served wine from the common cup in over three years at Cathedral services. I realize three years is not very long in church time, but I believe COVID has made us…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 082523What do you call change when you don’t want to call it change? Transition. I’m transitioning to a new position … We’re making a transition in our operation … We hope to have the transition complete by …Maybe some of these sound familiar. Transition is a type of change. I think we don’t like to use the word change because it sounds so permanent and is not always the best thing. Change can be good, too, and necessary, but still jarring. Transition sounds much smoother, less abrupt, but still has to do with change in some form or another. I’m at one of those…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 081823The school year is about to begin for many of you, or it has already begun, or will begin soon. I ask your prayers for all students, teachers, administrators, coaches, staff, and anyone involved in making our centers of learning safe and ready to start the new year. I also ask your prayers for all parents, grandparents, guardians, and all those who care for anyone starting pre-K through graduate school. Here is one of my favorite prayers for this occasion, found on p. 824 of the Prayer Book: O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities, that they may be lively…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 081123I have some exciting news to share on the motion the Vestry passed at our May meeting stating that, “the positions of Finance Committee Chair, Treasurer, and Budget Committee Chair be held by three different individuals.” This past June I wrote that at one time these were three separate positions, but lately have been held by the same person. The Vestry had lengthy conversations about this and believes the goals of the committees are best met by having separate people hold these positions. Having three separate people adds perspective as well as expands leadership opportunities at the Cathedral. The roles of the committees…
- From the Desk of Dean Andy • 080423August 4, 2023 Welcome to August, a time when we try to enjoy the last days of summer break, prepare for a new school year, or just continue our daily routine as we always have and hope the temperatures begin to cool down soon. It has always felt like a time to get ready for something new, whether it’s school, fall programming, or just feeling like everything gets back to normal again. It can be a busy time, for sure, but also exciting as we anticipate what the fall will bring. Before we look ahead, however, there is still a lot…
For posts not listed here, visit our From the Dean Archive page.