12:30–1:30 p.m.
Zoom Link and Instructions

March 4-April 15
During Lent, WBS will be using Give up Something Bad for Lent by James Moore. During Lent each year, Christians give up something as an act of sacrifice and spiritual discipline. Often it is something like chocolate, knowing that after Easter Sunday they can once again enjoy what they have given up. In this study James Moore challenges readers to take it further—to give up something spiritually that they would be better off not doing. He invites all to seek God’s help to focus on eliminating one habit or attitude that is destructive. Imagine giving up envy, jealousy, self-pity, apathy, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking, how much better life would be.
The forty days of Lent are ideal to use this study and prepare to give up something bad while preparing to fully embrace the “Good News” of Easter.
Books and e-books are available at Amazon, Cokesbury and other book sellers.

Beginning April 22
WBS will continue reading and discussing The Bible With and Without Jesus. This study looks at Hebrew Bible stories referenced in the New Testament and examines the historical and literary significance.
“Esteemed Bible scholars Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler take readers on a guided tour of numerous Hebrew Bible stories referenced in the New Testament, revealing a deeper understanding of the texts’ historical and literary significance, helping readers to see more clearly the beauty and power of scripture.”
~Center for Hebraic Thought
Books and e-books can be found at Amazon, Cokesbury and other book sellers.
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Passcode: 746100