Renewal Covenant Between the Cathedrals

Renewal Covenant between Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception: May 13, 2008

Beginning in spring 2007, the Cathedral Covenant Dialogue Group, a joint committee of Roman Catholic and Anglican advisors to their respective Missouri dioceses, was established to examine the present state of the “Cathedral Covenant” agreement between the Roman Catholic and Anglican Cathedrals of Kansas City, Missouri. Bishop Robert W. Finn, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, and Bishop Barry R. Howe, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri, appointed committee members under the co-chairmanship of Very Rev. Terry White, Dean of Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Rector of Immaculate Conception Cathedral.

Over the course of approximately eight months, the Committee considered a set of activities to mark the renewal of the joint commitment of both cathedral communities to their original “covenant” established June 2, 1974 and renewed June 2, 1999. This covenant was again renewed during a Vesper/Evensong Service starting at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday evening, May 13, 2008. The congregation will process to Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral for the conclusion of the liturgy and a reception.

With this renewal of the covenant, our two Cathedral Communities have committed ourselves to work together around four areas of life and worship: Prayer and Spirituality; Common Social Action; Cultural Sharing; and Exchange of Belief and Practice.

Covenant Committee Members
The Very Rev. Terry White, Dean
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

The Rev. Louise Baker
Rector, Redeemer Episcopal Church

Ms. Ruth MaGill
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

Mr. Geoff Logan
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

Rev. Msgr. Robert Gregory, Rector
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Rt. Rev. Gregory Polan, OSB, Abbot
Conception Abbey
Ecumenical Officer and Chairman

Rev. Dennis McManus, Georgetown University
Bishop Finn’s Representative to the Committee

Mrs. Frances Lillig
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Mr. Jim Kroman
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Mr. Richard Stucinski
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Text of the Renewal Covenant between Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception: signed May 13, 2008

Covenant Renewal between
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Whereas, it is the will of our Savior Jesus Christ “That all may be one,”

We Resolve, in this year of St. Paul, the great missionary evangelist of the apostolic church, as the bishops, pastors, and parishioners of Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception,

To Share:
– Our prayers and spirituality
– Our commitment to social action
– Our cultural events,
– and the exchange of belief and practice between our communities.

May God further this plan with His Blessing and Divine Inspiration.

In Witness Whereof, we set our hands this thirteenth day of May in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and eight.

Signed by the following Representatives:

The Right Reverend Barry R. Howe, D.D. Min.
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri

The Most Reverend Robert W. Finn, D.D.
Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City, St. Joseph

The Very Reverend Terry A. White
Dean, Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

The Reverend Monsignor Robert S. Gregory
Rector, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

David Rice, Ph.D.
Senior Warden, Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

Mr. Edward J. Blasco
Chairman, Pastoral Council, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception