As I drive around the city, or travel anywhere at this time of year, it is clear by the decorations that fall is in full swing. And, yes, there are plenty of Halloween specific decorations, but more than that I see emblems and colors representing harvest time. Harvest is all about gathering in something, whether that’s the fruits of the field, family coming home for the holidays, or our giving back to God from the fruits of our labors in stewardship. It is a time for giving thanks and for appreciating all the blessings of our lives.
We will gather as a parish family this Sunday after the 10:30 service for our annual Fall Festival. Next weekend we will celebrate as a Church family the Feast of All Saints’, remembering especially all who have died over the past year. Then, we will gather as a Diocesan family in Convention where all delegates will elect our next bishop, to lead us and guide us in the years ahead. These are all examples of times we, as a family, gather in together to worship, remember, and make decisions for our future. We will gather together even more this fall as Bishop Diane will join us for Kirkin’ on November 17, our “Bless our Family, formed in faith” ingathering will be Sunday, November 24, and Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28.
I am thankful for all of these gatherings, and thankful for all of you, as family. As I continue to drive around this time of year, all the fall colors and decorations will remind me that I am glad we gather together.
Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.
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