From the Desk of Dean Andy • 091324

It looks like we’ll have a nice day for our annual Cathedral Cup Croquet tournament tomorrow starting at noon on the North lawn. This year’s theme is “Croquet by the Bay” and will be great fun as we come together for some friendly competition and fellowship. If you didn’t sign up to play, feel free to come and enjoy the day as a spectator. All are welcome to cheer the teams on and join in the fun. Not only is tomorrow the tournament day, but it is also the Feast of the Holy Cross, a day in which we commemorate the dedication of a Basilica and church on Calvary, the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, in the year 335 by the Emperor Constantine. During the excavation, Constantine’s mother, Helena, found a relic believed to be a part of the true cross on which Jesus died. I’m not sure we’ll discover anything as significant while playing croquet, but you never know.

Next week, remember, is the walkabout week for the candidates running to be the IX Bishop of West Missouri. The four candidates: The Rev. Jimmy Abbott, The Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux, The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, and The Rev. Molly Payne-Hardin will travel around the diocese for the WESTMODIOlogues. The candidates will engage in casual conversation with attendees during a light dinner, then answer questions that have been pre-submitted by people in the diocese and chosen by the Transition Committee. I encourage you to come and listen to the candidates when they are in the KC area: Wednesday at St. Ann’s, Lee’s Summit; Thursday at the Cathedral, or Friday at Church of the Redeemer in the Northland. Dinner will start at 6 pm and the program at 7 pm. I’m excited to meet the candidates and hear what they have to say. The election by our diocesan clergy and convention delegates will take place on Saturday, Nov. 9. The newly elected bishop will then be ordained and consecrated on Saturday, May 3, 2025, at the Cathedral. Also, next week, on Friday evening, is our second Pete’s Garden fundraiser, For Pete’s Sake. Tickets are still available on Eventbrite.

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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