From the Desk of Dean Andy • 052424

As we prepare to celebrate our second Feast Day, Trinity Sunday, I am reminded that it also comes at the same time we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day on Monday. Trinity Sunday celebrates “the one and equal glory” of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “in Trinity of Persons and in Unity of Being” (BCP p. 380), and Memorial Day celebrates all those who gave their lives in the service of our country, and whose spirits now rest in the light and presence of the Almighty. Our prayer book commemorates those who gave their lives in a prayer found in the Rite One Burial Office:

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give thee thanks for all thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence; and give us such a lively sense of thy righteous will, that the work which thou hast begun in them may be perfected; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen.

May we all continue to give thanks for those who have given their lives for our freedoms, and who now know the perfect freedom of everlasting life with Christ.

We will celebrate the Trinity, the national holiday of Memorial Day, and our celebration will continue at the coffee hour following the 10:30 service as we honor Joan Bock and give thanks for her many years of service to the Cathedral as our nursery coordinator.

We have several events coming up in June with the Pride Parade on June 8, Wear Orange Sunday on June 9, and the Diocesan Juneteenth KC Tour on June 10.

Please remember to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.

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