From the Desk of Dean Andy • 051724

It’s Picnic Time! Our Parish Picnic will follow the 10:30 service this week on our first Feast Day, Pentecost. We will provide burgers and hot dogs and ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to share. Dress is casual and we will have fun activities for all ages. We always need volunteers for grilling, set-up, or clean-up. It’s nice that this falls a little earlier this year so perhaps it won’t be so hot outside. You may sign up here or contact Holly Campbell. I’m looking forward to a fun time! Thanks in advance to Holly, Julie, and our Property Staff for getting us ready.

I know I mentioned this last Sunday, but thanks go out to Ric Sweeting, Angie, and Julie for planning and organizing our Cathedral Workday last Saturday. Thanks to all who came out and helped plant, weed, or stain benches. The gardens and courtyard look great.

I have one more, big “Thank You” to send out to someone who we will be celebrating next week at a special coffee hour after the 10:30 service, Joan Bock. Joan has been our Nursery Coordinator for the last 24 years and has seen many a child grow up at the Cathedral. Joan’s last day with us was April 29, and I am grateful for her long commitment and ministry with us. She will be missed. Please come help all of us celebrate Joan on Sunday, May 26.

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, our nation, and the world.

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